how to use video filters in TikTok

How to use video filters in TikTok?

Have you ever wondered why every person you see on TikTok has great skin tone and the videos they upload are of such high quality? Well, the secret is a lot and i mean a LOT of video filters. TikTok offers a lot of video filters to help improve the quality of content that you upload. If you were missing out on this amazing capability, well, we got you covered. This article will tech you on how to use video filters in TikTok.

Did you know you could upload long length videos in TikTok? If not, read this article.

Let’s change the way you look on social media.

Steps on how to use video filters in TikTok

Step 1

  • Open TikTok App and click on the + icon on the centre of the bottom navigation menu. Well! you would not be reading this if you didn’t know how to do this. Me placing it here is just so that i acknowledge the 0.001% of you who don’t know this 🙂
use video filters in tiktok

Step 2

  • Tap the create button to go to the below screen.

Step 3

  • Once you are in the above screen. Tap on the “Filters” icon on the upper right menu. It’s the third option.

Step 4

  • Once you tap on that, you will see a lot of options to create your social media look. Choose the ones that best suits you.
how to use video filters in Tiktok

Step 5

  • Play around a bit and choose the correct amount of filter you want in your video.
  • Once satisfied, click on the checkmark icon.
how to use video filters in tiktok

How to get better quality camera in TikTok

Well! having a better quality camera will have an impact on the videos quality but, most of the sharpness in the video is done using filters. Try out the steps mentions above and you will love it.


There you go, you created your new look for social media by learning how to use video filters in TikTok. I hope you try out all the filters and the world gets to see and admire your new social media look. Also, TikTok allows content creators to interact with their followers by going live. Here is an article that will help you to go live on TikTok.

If you want your friends to learn how to use video filters in TikTok, please Share! Thanks!

Have you ever wondered why every person you see on TikTok has great skin tone and the videos they upload are of such high quality?


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