HowThisThat – HowThisThat Learn How To Do Stuffs Thu, 21 Apr 2022 06:32:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 HowThisThat – HowThisThat 32 32 204286644 How to add music to Instagram story ? Wed, 20 Apr 2022 08:09:44 +0000 Are you tired of adding only images and videos on your Instagram stories? Well! spice it up by adding music to it. This article will guide you on how to add music to Instagram story.

Music has the potential to spice up anything that you add it on. A beautiful image of a child is itself a wonderful sight but adding a bit of soothing music behind it takes it to a whole new level.

Here we talk about Instagram stories. Posting pictures of your vacation fells great and while you add a good music behind it, it clearly speaks out. Also, allowing users to trim the music and play only the segments is amazing. This is one of the great features Instagram provides

Let’s get into how to add music to Instagram story.

Instagram music isn’t available in your region

There are certain regions where Instagram music isn’t available, the major reason i believe is due to piracy issues. It might not be the case but if it’s not available in your region you will not be able to add music to Instagram story following the below steps.

Really sorry that you will be missing out on this amazing feature 🙂

Add music to video on Instagram

Instagram allows users to upload videos to their stories as well. Adding a background music to your videos makes it so worthwhile. It’s not much of an effort too!

You can follow the steps below on how to add music to Instagram story to learn more.

Steps on how to add music to Instagram story

As stated above, these steps are only valid if Instagram music is available in you region. So, please don’t be disappointed if you do not see the options as mentioned below.

Let’s get into how to add music to Instagram story.

Step 1

  • Open the Instagram App.
How to add music to Instagram story

Step 2

  • Tap on ” Your story” at the top left corner of the screen.
Instagram story

Step 3

  • Click on the Sticker Icon at the Top left of your screen and as shown in the image below.
How to add music to Instagram story

Step 4

  • Search for ” Music” sticker icon and click on it.
How to add music to Instagram story

Step 5

  • Among a list of various songs. Choose a song you want to add.
  • You can also search for songs of your choice.
How to add music to Instagram story

Step 6

  • Choose the portion of the song you want to add.
  • Once you are done, Tap ” Done” at the Top Right corner.
How to add music to Instagram story

Great! you just spiced up your Instagram story.


These simple steps helped you on how to add music to Instagram story. I would recommend you try it out for some but don’t make it a usual habit for all you stories. Too much of it will make it loose the charm and believe me you might loose some followers too! 🙂

Talking about Instagram story, you may also like, how to add multiple pictures to Instagram story.

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How to clear cache on iPhone 2022 ? Wed, 20 Apr 2022 05:45:16 +0000 It is a good habit to clear cache and browsing history from time to time. As, these elements take a certain amount of memory and storage in your device which may sometimes make your device slow and even crash. Here you will learn how to clear cache on iPhone 2022.

If you own older versions of iPhone with low memory and storage, i highly recommend you to follow the steps below to improve your device performance. There might be a lot of reasons for your device to run slow but this surely is the first step you can take.

What does clear cache mean ?

Clearing cache from a device simply means to erase the temporary memory or storage an application has used during the time you use it. Applications need a certain part of your device memory to function and during the time you use it, they create files in your storage to store usage data and also create cookies to store user data.

These data are temporary but the app doesn’t remove it once you exit the app. So, you will need to manually remove it. There are generally two types of cache on iPhone, Safari cache and Application cache. Safari cache is basically a temporary storage used by the browser to store cookies and browsing history data. Application cache are data stored by applications to function as well as to understand user behaviour to provide quality content.

Let’s get into how to clear cache on iPhone 2022.

Clearing memory on iPhone

As stated above, applications need memory to open and run in your device. They are temporary storage but sometimes some apps keep running in the background and keep on consuming a certain part of the memory though you have already quit the app. This is the reason you device runs slow and sometimes crashes when you try to load an app.

Below steps will guide you on how to stop apps from using your memory.

Steps on how to clear cache on iPhone 2022 ( Safari)

There are two types of cache on an iPhone, Safari Cache and Application Cache. Let’s start with the steps on how to clear cache on iPhone 2022 in Safari

Step 1

  • Open iPhone settings.
How to clear cache on iPhone 2022

Step 2

  • Scroll down and Tap Safari
How to clear cache on iPhone 2022

Step 3

  • Click on ” Clear History and Website Data.
How to clear cache on iPhone 2022

Steps on how to clear cache on iPhone 2022 ( Applications)

Here are the steps to clear cache on iPhone 2022 in applications

Step 1

  • Open settings and go to ” General”.
  • Click on iPhone Storage.
How to clear cache on iPhone 2022

Step 2

  • Give it some time to load all the applications.
  • Click on the application and Tap ” Offload App”.
How to clear cache on iPhone 2022

You can get more details from Apple official site.


Great! now you know how to clear cache on iPhone 2022. Make sure you do it frequently if you feel your device is running slower than expected. This is not the only solution to increase your device speed but it’s surely a start.

You may also like how to reset iPhone to factory setting and how to record screen on iPhone.

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How to add link to TikTok bio ? Wed, 20 Apr 2022 04:31:25 +0000 Craze in social media has been increasing since the start and it doesn’t look like it is settling down anytime soon. With new platforms being introduced so frequently, it had been difficult for users to decide which one to prefer. This article will teach you how to add link to TikTok bio.

So, to make sure the users doesn’t loose it followers because of their choice of social media, you can now add links of your other social media in a specific platform. Here, we are taking TikTok as an example.

As of Mid 2022, TikTok is the most famous social media. However, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube are also not far behind. Each one have their own set of features that is unique to others. So, users tend to be active in all the platforms. Being able to add most of their social media link to a platform has made it lot easier to gain more followers.

Now, let’s get into how to add link to TikTok bio.

Where is the bio in TikTok?

Before we get into learning how to add link to TikTok bio, let’s me shortly explain what a bio is.

Bio is basically a short description you add in your profile page that helps your followers to know a bit more about you. Previously users were not allowed to add links to the bio but now TikTok allows users to add Instagram and Youtube links to their Bio.

While adding a bio make sure you keep it short and sweet. Let’s learn how to add link to TikTok bio.

How to put a link in your TikTok bio 2022 ?

As of 2022, you are allowed to add Instagram and Youtube links to your TikTok bio. Follow the below steps to and you will know how to add link to TikTok bio.

Steps on how to add link to TikTok bio

Here are some simple steps to add link to TikTok bio:

Step 1

  • Open TikTok app.
  • Tap on Profile and Tap the “Edit Profile” button.
Tiktok profile

Step 2

  • To add your Instagram link Tap ” Add Instagram to your profile”.
  • To add your Youtube link Tap ” Add Youtube to your profile”.
how to add link to TikTok bio

Step 3

  • Once you add your links, you will be asked to login to the specific platforms.
  • Login to the platforms with the specific login credentials.
how to add link to TikTok bio

Step 4

  • Once you login, TikTok will require permission to access your account.
  • Click “Allow”
how to add link to TikTok bio

Great! now you know how to add link to TikTok bio.

How to link Instagram to TikTok ?

It’s a great idea to link these platforms as it proves your originality and also allows your followers to enjoy your content on both the platforms.

To link Instagram to TikTok, follow the above steps and on Step 2, add your Instagram Link and follow Step 3 and Step 4.

How to link Youtube to TikTok ?

Youtube is a famous platform for video content, so is TikTok. Having it connected allows users to view your short video clips in TikTok and visit your Youtube channel for the full video.

To link Youtube to TikTok, follow the above steps and on Step 2, add your Youtube Link and follow Step 3 and Step 4.


These simple steps mentioned above will make sure you know how to add link to TikTok bio. At the moment it’s Instagram and Youtube, i hope TikTok will add other platforms as well in the future.

Since you are in TikTok, you may like how to upload long videos in TikTok and how to go live in TikTok.

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How to add multiple pictures to Instagram story ? Tue, 19 Apr 2022 09:31:54 +0000 Are you bored of adding single images to Instagram story and want to do something cool? Well! you are in the right place. Here you will learn how to add multiple pictures to Instagram story. Make sure you go through the entire article as it has a lot of helpful tips for you.

Instagram is a well known social media that mainly focus on sharing images either by post or as a story. With a lot of effects and filters, you can give a different dimension to your photos. Also, with third party apps providing even more features and filters, you will surely make yourself stand out.

These days we mainly use our phones to capture photos and with huge storage options we do not hesitate to click as many as we want. Posting all of it will make your Instagram account crowded. So, follow this article to learn how to add multiple pictures to Instagram story to not make a mess out of your photos and to make people want to like all of ’em.

Now, let’s start our journey to learn how to add multiple pictures to Instagram story.

How to make collage with instagram ?

There are different ways to make collage with Instagram. You can either use it’s default option or use any of the third party apps. It’s default feature is limited to certain layouts but you can get a lot more by using other third party apps. They are easy to use and also the final image you get from there will be compatible with Instagram so you will not need to fix the layout or crop any parts of your image.

Most of the layout providing apps are available as paid versions, but if you give a good search you will surely find some free applications too. Also, the paid versions might also provide some layouts for free. Give it a try. I have listed some recommended apps below as well. For now, let’s learn how to add multiple pictures to Instagram story.

You may also like how to add music to Instagram story.

Steps on how to add multiple pictures to Instagram story

Step 1

  • Open your Instagram app and tap on the + icon on the centre of the bottom navigation menu.
Instagram app

Step 2

  • Tap on “Story” at the bottom of the screen.
how to add multiple pictures to instagram story

Step 3

  • Click on Layout as shown in the below image.
  • Tap on the bottom to take multiple picture. Or, Tap on the gallery icon on the Bottom left corner to select multiple pictures.
how to add multiple pictures to instagram story

Step 4

  • Once, you are happy with your layout. Click on the ” Tick” icon at the bottom.
how to add multiple pictures to instagram story

Step 5

  • At the bottom, Tap “Your Story” and to share it Tap ” Share”.
how to add multiple pictures to instagram story

6 Layout Apps for Instagram

With the popularity of Instagram, there are many third party apps that allow you to edit your photos to post on Instagram. Most of them are paid Apps but you might get some layout for free as well. Give it a try.

If you like any of these make sure you mention it down in the comments to make it easy for other people to choose.

Here is a list of 6 layout apps for Instagram:

  1. Collage Maker (iOS)
  2. SCRL (iOS)
  3. PicCollage (iOS)
  4. Unfold (iOS)
  5. Layout Instagram (Android)
  6. StoryArt (Android)


So, to conclude, there is a default way on Instagram on how to add multiple pictures to Instagram story and also there are a lot of third party applications that provide the feature with more layout and filter options. Feel free to go through the different options and choose the ones that best suits you.

Great! now you know how to add multiple pictures to Instagram story.

Here are some articles to get to know instagram better, how to delete Instagram account and how to change Instagram Password.

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How to make a NFT ? Mon, 18 Apr 2022 07:45:23 +0000 How to make a NFT

Everyone is talking about Digital assets, cryptocurrencies and NFT’s. Well! It is still in the initial stage and there are a lot of development and improvements happening around it. Like cryptocurrency, NFT’s are also built on a blockchain platform. To understand NFT’s you will need to have at least a basic understanding of Blockchain and cryptocurrencies. This article will focus on NFT and will teach you how to make a NFT.

What is a NFT?

NFT stands for Non Fungible Token. It is a digital asset in the form of Art, music or Videos. Let’s break it down a bit. Non-fungible means they are always one of a kind meaning it can’t be exchanged or can’t be matched in value with other NFT’s. Further to understand this, one euro is always equal to one euro. They can be exchanged and will always have the same value. So, Euro can be called as fungible. So, how to make a NFT?

NFT’s are stored in a Blockchain and have a unique signature assigned to each. You could read it as an art, music or video but in a blockchain it is just a series of character that help distinguish one from the other. This unique signature helps to prove the authenticity of an NFT. Before you learn how to make NFT ?, let’s get into the basics.

Where to buy and sell NFT?

How to buy and sell NFT

NFT’s started around 2014 but it’s getting more popular in the recent days. For a beginner, it might sound like a big deal but trust me, once you have a basic knowledge on it, it’s a piece of cake 🙂 Just follow these articles How to create a cryptocurrency wallet? and How to buy NFT with Coinbase? to understand the basics before going into how to make a NFT.

Here are some platforms to buy and sell NFT. To get in more details visit How to buy and sell NFT?

Here is a list of marketplace:

  1. Open Sea:
    – Popularity : 9 out of 10. It’s very popular.
    – About: It holds different kinds on NFT’s and is also free to sign up. Also, this platform allows you to create you NFT’s and sell it here. It’s customer base is growing everyday, mainly to sell NFT. This marketplace is a good start to learn how to make a NFT.
    -Blockchain : It supports 150+ different tokens for payment.
  2. Crypto Punks:
    – Popularity : 9 out of 10. If you have spent some time researching NFT. I am sure you have heard about Crypto Punks. These NFT’s are sold out and a single one values in millions of dollars. I just wish someone could gift me one 🙂
    – About: It is the most hyped NFT and also one of the earliest to be introduced.
    -Blockchain : Ethereum.
  3. Axie Marketplace:
    – Popularity : 8 out of 10. Axie Infinity , have you heard about this video game? I think most of you have as it’s one of the early adaptors on game based NFT’s.
    – About: It is a NFT marketplace where people can bye Axies, the video game characters, land and other digital assets that can be later used in the video game.
    -Blockchain : Ethereum.
  4. Rarible:
    – Popularity : 7 out of 10.
    – About: It is similar to Open Sea but not as popular. Also, here you will need it’s own token called ” Rarible” to make transactions and also to create and sell NFT. This is another good platform to learn how to make a NFT?
    – Blockchain: Ethereum.

How to upload NFT for free?

There are many platforms that allow you to upload NFT for free. Personally, i prefer Open sea as it is a very popular platform and also provides free sign up a good way to learn how to make NFT.

If you have a collection of digital art, music or videos, you could simply sign up for free and add them for a bid or on sale. Remember, you will need to have a cryptocurrency wallet and have it connected to the platform. This way anything you boy or sell can be stored in the wallet.

Now, let’s get into how to make a NFT.

What is mint NFT?

How to make a NFT

Minting and NFT simply means Creating an NFT. NFT’s are created on a blockchain. Suppose, you create music and want to make an audio clip into an NFT. All you need to do it visit a NFT marketplace, create your account and follow the steps to upload your audio to the blockchain and it’s done. How to mint a NFT? and How to make a NFT? are the same question. Your NFT will be created and you can then have it on sell or store it in your digital wallet for sale in the future.

How much does it cost to create a NFT?

How to make a NFT

Well! this depends on the platform you choose to create it on. Some platforms allow to to create a NFT for free. Whereas, some have a fee that can be paid using cryptocurrency. Like i mentioned above, Open Sea allows users to create NFT for free but they do charge 2.5% on every transaction. So, you pay when you sell.

Great! you now know how to make a NFT. Hope we get to see your creations soon!

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How to change password in TikTok ? Fri, 15 Apr 2022 04:58:00 +0000 Hacking has become a big issue these days. With the growth of the internet and a rapid increase in the number of internet based applications, security has become a major concern. This article will teach you how to change password in TikTok. Passwords are the key that protect your applications from unauthorized access. Always make sure you keep them safe.

Remembering password of all your applications is next to impossible. If you are someone who does it, i would love to learn those memory secrets from you 🙂 For those like me, never store your password in notes, doc or excel files. They are files that could be easily stolen and read. There are many applications that allow you to store your password safely, like “1password“. I am not sure how safe it is but surely better than a Word Document. Let’s get into how to change password in TikTok.

Reasons to change your password regularly

Making a habit to change your password regularly will make sure your data on the different applications you use are safe. Since you want to learn how to change password in TikTok, here are other reasons to change your password regularly:

  • If you think someone might easily guess it.
  • If you use the same password everywhere.
  • There is any unusual data or settings change in your application.
  • You recently logged in to your applications from a public place using a public device.
  • Have used the same password for way too long.

What is the best password format ?

To keep your data safe, you need to make sure you have a strong password. Follow the below steps to create a strong password:

  • Uppercase character ( A – Z )
  • Lowercase character ( a- z )
  • Numbers ( 0 – 9 )
  • Special character ( !, @, # ,$ % )
  • Minimum 10 characters

Now since you know why to change your password and the best password format. Let’s get in to the steps on how to change password in TikTok.

Steps on how to change password in TikTok

Total Time: 10 minutes

Step 1

How to change password in TikTok

Open your TikTok account.
Go to your profile page from the last option at the bottom navigation menu.
Click on the three lines menu on the top right corner.

Step 2

How to change password in TikTok

Tap on ” Manage Account”.

Step 3

How to change password in TikTok

Click on “Password”.

Step 4

How to change password in TikTok

Enter your new password and click Next.


Great! Now you know how to change password in TikTok. Make sure to follow the above steps to create a strong password and don’t forget to change your password regularly.

If you would like to learn about more TikTok features, we have, how to go live on TikTok, how to unfollow users in TikTok, how to use video filters in TikTok and much more under our Social Media Category.

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How to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy ? Tue, 12 Apr 2022 05:08:47 +0000 I believe screenshot is the most used feature in any device. Be it mobile, tablet, laptop or a desktop, oh! screenshot, you are sweet. I can’t imagine how i would work if not for screenshots. Go through all my articles and you will know the importance of screenshot in my life 🙂 This article will teach you the steps on how to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy.

Whoever discovered this amazing feature in the 1960’s, you are a god. It has become a part of life now. I am not a researcher but if someone one day does a research on it i think every second in a day there will be someone in the world taking a screenshot. It used to be a bit difficult and non customizable before, but these days it’s very easy and there are multiple options available for customizing.

I hope someday someone will screenshot HowThisThat and put it on the internet. For now, let’s learn how to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy:

Steps on how to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy

Step 1

  • Press the Volume Down and Power buttons simultaneously and HOLD them for a second until the screenshot is taken.
How to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy

Step 2

  • This is a more fun way to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy. Swipe your palm across the screen from Left to Right, Or, sipe your palm across the screen from Right to Left. You will get your screenshot.
How to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy

Step 3

  • This one is not that efficient but since this article is about how to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy, i will mention this too.
  • Click Google Assistant and say ” TAKE A SCREENSHOT”. Or, type in the command. This will capture a screenshot for you.
How to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy

So, you are an expert “screenshotter” now. Don’t mind, that’s not even a word but you surely know how to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy now. Enjoy! If you have an iPhone, you may like how to record screen on iPhone? Also, visit here to learn how to screenshot on Mac?

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How to change password in Instagram ? Tue, 12 Apr 2022 04:41:28 +0000 Hacking has become a big issue these days. With the growth of the internet and a rapid increase in the number of internet based applications, security has become a major concern. This article will teach you how to change password in Instagram. Passwords are the key that protect your applications from unauthorized access. Always make sure you keep them safe.

Remembering password of all your applications is next to impossible. If you are someone who does it, i would love to learn those memory secrets from you 🙂 For those like me, never store your password in notes, doc or excel files. They are files that could be easily stolen and read. There are many applications that allow you to store your password safely, like “1password“. I am not sure how safe it is but surely better than a Word Document. Let’s get into how to change password in Instagram.

Reasons to change your password regularly

Making a habit to change your password regularly will make sure your data on the different applications you use are safe. Here are other reasons to change your password regularly:

  • If you think someone might easily guess it.
  • If you use the same password everywhere.
  • There is any unusual data or settings change in your application.
  • You recently logged in to your applications from a public place using a public device.
  • Have used the same password for way too long.

What is the best password format ?

To keep your data safe, you need to make sure you have a strong password. Follow the below steps to create a strong password:

  • Uppercase character ( A – Z )
  • Lowercase character ( a- z )
  • Numbers ( 0 – 9 )
  • Special character ( !, @, # ,$ % )
  • Minimum 10 characters

Now since you know why to change your password and the best password format. Let’s get in to the steps on how to change password in Instagram.

Steps on how to change password in Instagram

Step 1

  • Open your Instagram App.
  • Go to your profile page from the last option at the bottom navigation menu.
  • Click on the three lines menu on the top right corner.
How to change password in Instagram

Step 2

  • Click on “Settings”.
How to change password in Instagram

Step 3

  • Click on ” Security”.
  • Go to ” Password”.
How to change password in Instagram

Step 4

  • Enter your current password and New password.
  • Enter your new password again.
  • Click Save on the top right corner.
How to change password in Instagram

Great! Now you know how to change password in Instagram. Make sure to follow the above steps to create a strong password and don’t forget to change your password regularly.

If you would like to learn about more Instagram features, we have, how to disable Instagram account? For other social media features, we have Social media category.

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]]> 4 536
How to go live on TikTok ? Mon, 11 Apr 2022 07:23:09 +0000 TikTok is leading the social media space at the moment. If you are a “TikToker” as they say, you need to know how to go live on TikTok. With more than 1 Billion monthly active users it is setting out to be a frontier in the social media space. It’s major focus is video content and real time interactions between content creators and their followers.

TikTok with it’s amazing features have allowed users to add high quality content to their platform. It allows users to add short and long length videos. It provides users with a wide range of audio selection to add to their video. It is this connection of Audio and Video that make TikTok fun for everyone.

TikTok now allows users to Go Live i.e. go online realtime to get in touch with the followers. It also comes with many features for the content creators to boost their content quality. Whereas, followers get to send gifts to the creator which can be later withdrawn as a monetary value and will also be able to chat for free . This is a great way for content creators to increase their followers. So, if you are into TikTok let’s learn how to go live on TikTok.

How many followers on TikTok to go live ?

Well! first of all you need to be 16+ to go live on TikTok. Your age will be calculated based on the date of birth you provide during registration. If you meet this criteria, you will need 1000 followers to activate the go live feature.

Things to consider before going live on TikTok

Going live means chatting real time with your followers. So, make sure you follow the below steps before you learn how to go live on TikTok :

  • Strictly follow TikTok community guidelines.
  • Present yourself as you do in your content.
  • Try to keep things simple and fun for everyone.
  • Don’t follow or focus on negative comments.
  • Have a moderator online so that they are able to filter the comments.

Steps on how to go live on TikTok

Step 1

  • On your TikTok App. Click on the + icon on the bottom of the screen.
how to go live on tiktok

Step 2

  • Click on the LIVE button at the bottom and add a Title for your session.
how to go live on tiktok

Step 3

  • Once you are ready. tap ” Go Live” to go live on TikTok.
how to go live on tiktok

Great! It’s that simple. Now you know how to go live on TikTok. Make sure you have 1000+ followers to have this feature available for you.

You may also like how to add link to TikTok bio.

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]]> 4 517
How to set up email signatures? Mon, 11 Apr 2022 05:57:53 +0000 Email is a great tool for professional communication these days. Most commonly used email platforms are Gmail, Outlook, Spark etc.. If you are a professional, you should definitely know how to set up email signatures as, they aid towards your professionalism and also serves as your quick introduction to the receiver. This article will teach you how to set up email signatures.

With the popularity of email services, there are a lot of platforms providing the services. Here we will mainly focus on two of the leading providers i.e. Gmail and Outlook. Gmail is one of the leading providers of online email services where as Outlook is famous for their desktop based application. Both provide great SPAM filters that make sure only intended emails reach your inbox. Now, let’s learn how to set up email signatures.

Email signature is also a common feature provided by both Gmail and Outlook. They are not mandatory for sending emails but i would highly recommend you to set up email signatures. They are a good way to display your contact details and since it also supports HTML, you can customize it as needed. There are a lot of free platforms that provide you with HTML code to teach you how to set up email signatures.

How to add email signature in gmail ?

Let’s start with gmail. Follow the steps below to add email signature in gmail:

Step 1

  • Open your Gmail email and Tap on the settings icon on the Top right corner.
how to add email signature in gmail

Step 2

  • Click on General. It is the first option in the navigation menu.
  • Scroll down to the last part of the page.
  • Click on ” Create New” on the ” Signature” section.
how to add email signature in gmail

Step 3

  • In the provided editor add all the information you want in your signature. You can also add HTML code here.
  • Once done, click ” Save changes” at the bottom of the page.
how to set up email signatures

Great! now you have an email signature in Gmail. You may also like our other article on Gmail.

How to set up email signatures in Outlook ?

Follow the below steps to set up email signatures in Outlook:

Step 1

  • In your Outlook app. Tap on the settings icon on the Top Right corner.
how to set up email signatures in Outlook

Step 2

  • Tap on Search and type ” Signature”.
  • Click on the result ” Email signature”
how to set up email signatures in Outlook

Step 3

  • Add all the information you want to display on your signature. You can also add HTML code here.
  • Once done, click Save.

Great! Now that you know how to set up email signatures. I hope you take some time to create one and make sure you only include the needed info. Here is a list of things you can consider:

  • Present it in a list format and not a paragraph.
  • If you represent a company, add high quality Company logo.
  • Adding a disclaimer at the bottom is useful.
  • If you plan to advertise your product make sure it doesn’t take up large space.
  • If you have a website, add your website URL.

You will get more content like this in our technology software section.

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