This That – HowThisThat Learn How To Do Stuffs Mon, 13 Jun 2022 04:56:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 This That – HowThisThat 32 32 204286644 Top 10 iPhone emoji meaning Mon, 13 Jun 2022 04:56:19 +0000 Emojis have changed the way we chat. Here we have Top 10 iPhone emoji meaning.

Sometimes words are not enough to express how you feel. So, Emojis are a great way of expressing your feelings. They make conversing easier and also save a lot of typing time.

With emojis becoming very popular these days. There are thousands of emojis available, each with their own significance. is a great platform to look for the emojis you want.

Top 10 iPhone emoji meaning

Here we have collected the top 10 emojis used by iPhone users and listed them as Top 10 iPhone emoji meaning].

Emojis are almost same for iPhone and Android phones. Some might look a bit different but carry the same significance. Let’s get into Top 10 iPhone emoji meaning.

Top 10 iPhone emoji meaning

Here is the list of top 10 iPhone emojis with their meaning.

Emoji SymbolEmoji NameEmoji Meaning
🙏Folded hands Thanks, Prayer
🥰 Smiling face with hearts love, appreciation
😍Smiling face with heart-shaped eyesLove
🔥Fire Hot, approval
🤣Rolling on floor laughingJoy
🥺 Pleading faceCute, Adorable
❤ Red heartLove
✨SparklesExcitement, Beauty, Express love
😂Face with tears of joyCrying with laughter facial expression
😭 Loudly crying face Crying, Sadness


You now know the Top 10 iPhone emoji meaning. Hope it will come to use in your next conversation.

If you would like to know more on iPhones, you may also like our iPhone category.

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How to unsend an email in Outlook ? Mon, 06 Jun 2022 04:42:50 +0000 Most of us have faced this and always wanted an option to unsend an email. Here, you will learn how to unsend an email in Outlook.

An incomplete email or an email addressed to a wrong person. We have been through this and always thought of how great it is to unsend an email. Oh!! the satisfaction you get once you realize it and are able to revert it back.

Well! though this is an amazing feature and has saved a lot of embarrassing moments in our life, you need to understand that this feature is only available for a moment after you hit the send button. So, if you feel somethings wrong with the email, quickly unsend it and later review it.

Also, if you are interested in adding email signatures to your email, view, how to add email signatures.

Let’s get into how to unsend an email in Outlook.

What is the time limit to unsend an email ?

This depends on the email client you use. Most of them allow you to choose the time you want the email client to hold your email before delivering it. It’s normally 5 to 10 seconds. You would also not want a buffer more than that as, that would just delay the time your email get’s sent.

For this article we are focusing on Outlook email client. Let’s get into how to unsend an email in Outlook.

Steps on how to unsend an email in Outlook

Step 1

  • Open your Outlook email client.
  • Click on Outlook Settings
  • Go to Mail
  • Click Compose & Reply
  • Scroll to “Undo” Send
  • Adjust the slider value from 0 to 10 seconds.
how to unsend an email in Outlook

Step 2

  • Compose an email and click send button.
  • To unsend an email, simply click the “Undo” on the box at the bottom left of the Window. Your email will return and will be saved to your Drafts folder.
  • Adjust the email and you can send it again.
how to unsend an email in Outlook


Great! now you know how to unsend an email in Outlook. I hope this feature helps out a lot. Make sure to setup the send time delay as you want. 10 seconds is an optimal option.

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How to find saved passwords on Mac ? Mon, 06 Jun 2022 04:07:50 +0000 Saved passwords can be viewed in System Preferences on macOS Monterey and later. Here you will learn steps on how to find saved passwords on Mac.

With huge number of applications in use everyday, it is almost impossible for us to remember passwords to all of them. So, the save password feature has made life a lot easier.

We are very much dependent on software for our every days tasks, either at work or just our social media profiles. So, it is important that we password protect all the applications. But, the problem to this is that, there is no chance we remember the passwords to all the applications.

Let’s get into the steps on how to find saved passwords on Mac.

How to save password in Mac ?

Well! Mac provides a default feature for storing your passwords. If you want to use any other third party application make sure it is a trusted application. Personally, i would recommend 1password. It is a great platform and is available for Mac, iPhone and also your browsers.

Let’s get in to how to find saved passwords on Mac.

You may also like, how to change Gmail password and How to change TikTok password.

Steps on how to find saved passwords on Mac

Step 1

  • On the top left corner of you Mac, click on the apple icon.
  • Go to System Preferences.
  • Click Password.
how to find saved passwords on mac

Step 2

  • Sign in with Touch ID, or enter your user account password.
  • Select a website, then click Edit and you will see your password.
How to find saved passwords on Mac

Step 3

  • To delete a password, click Delete Password. Change the password and then click Save to update.
how to find saved passwords on mac


Great! you now know How to find saved passwords on Mac. I hope this comes in handy. Make sure you keep this safe from unauthorized access. Whatever password you save will be stored here and if by any chance this is compromised, what can i say 🙂 It’s troubling news for you.

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How to add multiple accounts on Instagram ? Fri, 03 Jun 2022 03:45:59 +0000 Looking to manage your personal and business account together on Instagram? Here you will learn how to add multiple accounts on Instagram.

Instagram these days is mostly used for personal as well as Business profile. So, to make things easy for it’s users, Instagram now allows users to add multiple accounts to their profile so as to make the switch between accounts easy.

Let’s get into how to add multiple accounts on Instagram.

How to manage personal and business account in Instagram ?

Instagram has grown from just being a platform for users to display their profile to more e-commerce type business accounts. These days you will see a lot of product ads on Instagram. So, to make the management easy Instagram now allow users to add multiple accounts on Instagram. Follow the below steps to add multiple accounts on Instagram.

Since, you are on Instagram, you may also like, how to add link to Instagram Bio and how to add music to Instagram stories.

Steps on how to add multiple accounts on Instagram.

Step 1

  • Open Instagram and go to your profile
  • Tap the hamburger icon
how to add multiple accounts on Instagram

Step 2

  • Then tap Settings

Step 3

  • Tap Add Account

Step 4

  • Tap Log In to Existing Account
How to add multiple accounts on Instagram

Step 5

  • To add an account, enter its username and password
  • Tap Log In
How to add multiple accounts on Instagram


Great! now you know how to add multiple accounts on Instagram. I hope this will help you manage your personal and business account with ease.

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How to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone? Tue, 31 May 2022 05:58:25 +0000 Bought a new phone? Looking for ways on how to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone? This article is just what you need.

During the initial launch of smartphones, transferring contacts from one phone to another was a challenge. Those days, people used to store contacts in their SIM card and later transfer the sim to a new phone and import the contacts. The biggest problem here was, SIM card had limited storage and would not be able to fit all the contacts.

Now, the process of transferring contacts as easy as a piece of cake. Either from Android to Android or Android to iPhone. It’s very simple. Below you will learn how to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone.

How do I transfer contacts to iPhone 13?

If it’s from an old iPhone to your newest iPhone 13, just sync you contacts to iCloud and once you log into your new phone with your apple id, it will automatically sync your contacts. Apple has really made life easy for it’s users.

If you want it from Android to iPhone, follow this article to learn how to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone.

Steps on how to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone

Step 1

  • Open Settings on your Android Phone
How to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone

Step 2

  • Go to Accounts, and open your Google Account. For different Android smartphones, it may be different. Tap on the Sync account.
  • From here, sync your Contacts.
How to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone

Once, you sync your contacts from your android phone to your google account. Let’s get into the steps to transfer it to your iPhone.

Step 1

  • Open Settings on your iPhone

Step 2

  • Tap on Mail
How to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone

Step 3

  • Tap on Accounts

Step 4

  • Now, Tap on add Account

Step 5

  • Select Gmail here and sign in with your Google account
How to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone

Step 6

  • Tap the Google account you just added

Step 7

  • Click on the On and Off toggle icon for Contacts
  • Hurray! You will receive your contact on your iPhone in just a few minutes
How to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone


Great! now you know how to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone. Hope that was easy and helpful.

You may also like , how to backup iPhone and how to delete apps from Android.

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How to change instagram name ? Tue, 24 May 2022 08:40:50 +0000 Instagram username is what people use to search for your profile. Here you will learn how to change instagram name.

If you are looking to increase follower on your Instagram, it is not recommended to change your username. People mostly search for your profile using your username which in most case is your full name or if you are a business, your business name.

Even though some social media platform do not allow users to change their username, Instagram does allow it. It has restricted it to 2 username changes in 14 days. So, make sure you make the second one count else you will be stuck with it for next 14 days 🙂

Let’s get in to how to change instagram name.

How do I hide my real name on Instagram ?

Instagram provides a feature where you can set your display name or username to whatever you want. So, follow the steps below and you can easily hide your real name on Instagram.

Can you change your Instagram display name?

Yes, Instagram does allow users to change their display names. However, it only allows 2 name change within 14 days interval.

Now, let’s get into how to change Instagram name.

Steps on how to change instagram name

Step 1

  • On you Instagram app, go to your profile screen.
  • Click the Edit Profile button.
how to change instagram name

Step 2

  • Click on the Name field.
How to change instagram name

Step 3

  • Erase the old name and type in the new name you want.
  • Once finished, click on Done at the top right corner.
How to change instagram name


Great! now you know how to change instagram name. Hope this helps to add a bit of privacy to your social media profile. However, if you are looking to grow your profile it is always recommended that you add your real name to make it easy for people to search your profile.

Since, you are on Instagram, you may also like, how to add music to Instagram stories and how to download Instagram stories.

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How to download Instagram videos ? Fri, 20 May 2022 05:22:37 +0000 Looking to store videos you see on Instagram? Here, you will learn how to download Instagram videos.

Unfortunately, Instagram does not allow you to download videos you find on your feeds. However, you can download Instagram videos of other users using a third-party app.

This is not something that i recommend, as downloading content from other users might violate their copyright policies. However, it’s up to Instagram to control what users can download and how to moderate such actions.

Well! since you are here, let’s learn how to download Instagram videos.

Does Instagram Downloader work on mobile devices?

Yes, there are third party apps that work as Instagram downloader on mobile devices.

Steps on how to download Instagram videos

Step 1

  • Download Fast Save app from the Play store.
how to download Instagram videos

Step 2

  • Login to your Instagram app
how to download Instagram videos

Step 3

  • Choose the video you want to download, Click the Download icon on the bottom right of your screen.
  • That’s all your video will be automatically downloaded.
how to download Instagram videos


Great! you’ve learnt how to download Instagram videos. Make sure to use it wisely without violating other users copyright policies.

Since you are into Instagram, you may also like, how to download Instagram user stories, how to add music to Instagram stories.

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How to backup iPhone ? Thu, 19 May 2022 09:00:57 +0000 Scared of loosing all your precious pictures and data if your iPhone is lost? Well, this article will teach you how to backup iPhone.

Phones these days have become an important part of our life. It stores our memories, payment and also our important documents. So, even the thought of losing it is a disaster. It is a great habit to keep you phone backed up somewhere else, it might be iCloud or if you prefer hard drive, that could be an option too. The most secure is iCloud.

Can i backup iPhone in hard drive ?

Backing up in a hard drive is a start but comes with it’s own risk of maybe losing it or even worst, hard drive failure. So, the best option is to upload it to a Cloud environment. Lucky for the iPhone users, Apple provides their own cloud for backup i.e. iCloud.

Where to find iPhone backup on mac?

iPhone and Mac are both products of Apple. So, they both use iCloud for backup. You get it by default on both the devices.

Let’s get into how to backup iPhone.

Does backing up iPhone save photos?

Backing up iPhone to iCloud saves photos as well. All you need to do is, give access to iCloud to backup you photos. You can easily do it by accessing the iCloud option in the settings and allowing backup for photos.

Let’s start with how to backup iPhone.

Steps on how to backup iPhone

Step 1

  • Go to your “settings”

Step 2

  • Connect WiFi & Click “iCloud Backup”
How to backup iPhone

Step 3

  • Click “Back up Now.”
How to backup iPhone
How to backup iPhone


Now you know how to backup iPhone. This is very important if you do not want to lose your pictures and documents. So make a habit of doing it from time to time. iCloud is free up to a limited storage, but you can upgrade it to other high storage with a certain fee. It is highly recommended to upgrade as it is wort the price.

Here are some articles to get to know iPhone better, How to trade in iPhone with Apple? ,How to record screen on iPhone?

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]]> 1 962
How to delete a comment on Instagram ? Thu, 19 May 2022 05:31:09 +0000 There are times when you feel some people didn’t comment on your Instagram posts or, hate to see those ridiculous comments. This article will teach you how to delete a comment on Instagram.

All of us glad that we can moderate what other people see in our posts. Like deleting a comment or pinning a comment on Instagram. This is a very handy feature that allows us to keep our posts clean.

Let’s get into how to delete a comment on Instagram.

How to delete a comment on Instagram on Android ?

We have listed how to delete a comment on Instagram in iPhone and Android below. Just follow the below steps and you you are good to go.

Steps on how to delete a comment on Instagram

Step 1

  • Open Instagram & Click the comment icon.
  • Locate the comment you want to delete.
How to delete a comment on Instagram

Step 2 ( iPhone)

  • If you have an iPhone, swipe left and tap the Trash icon to delete the comment
How to delete a comment on Instagram

Step 2 ( Android)

  • If you have an Android phone, tap on the comment and delete the comment by clicking on the trash icon.
How to delete a comment on Instagram


Great! now you know how to moderate your comments. This is a very useful feature, make sure to keep your Instagram posts clean for everyone.

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How to clear safari history? Wed, 18 May 2022 04:45:50 +0000 Clearing History means to remove your web records from you browser. Doing this will remove the search history based on the time frame you select. This article will teach you how to clear safari history?

There are generally three types of browser record that people often clear i.e. Cookies, History and Cache. Well! you are in the right place to learn how to clear all these from your safari browser.

Let’s get into how to clear safari history.

First we start with, how to clear cookies in Safari ?

How to clear cookies in Safari ?

Step 1

  • Open Safari browser.
  • Select Preferences.

Step 2

  • Go to the Privacy tab & Press Manage Website Data

Step 3

  • Click “Remove All” to remove all cookies then click “Done“.

How to clear Safari history ?

Step 1

  • On the Safari browser, Click on Safari menu item and choose the “Clear History” item.
  • To clear history based on specific time frame, follow the below steps.
  • On the Safari browser, go to History menu item and tap “Clear History” You can choose to clear the last hour, today, today, and yesterday, or all history from the dialog box that appears.
  • Then click on “Clear History“.
how to delete safari history

Clear safari caches

Step 1

  • Click Safari < Select the Develop drop-down menu. Click Empty Caches.
clear safari caches

How to check history on MacBook ?

Step 1

  • Open Safari.
  • Click History.

Step 2

  • Click “Show All History

Step 3

  • Scroll down to view your history


Well! now you know how to clear Safari history. Also, you have learnt how to clear Safari cache and Cookies. It is good habit of clearing this time to time, since you now know how, do apply it time to time.

Since you are into Safari and Mac, you may also like, how to screenshot on a mac? and How to split screen on Mac?

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