Category: Android

How to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone?

Bought a new phone? Looking for ways on how to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone? This article is just what you need. During the initial launch of smartphones, transferring contacts from one phone to another was a challenge. Those days, people used to store contacts in their SIM card and later transfer the…

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How to easily delete apps from Android ?

Are you annoyed with all the useless apps in your phone? Well! this article will teach you how to easily delete apps from Android. There is a huge number of Apps on the Google play store. From fitness, finance to games and video editors, there are apps available for almost all your needs. Whenever we…

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How to change Android wallpaper easily ?

How to change Android wallpaper easily ? Well! you are in the right place. Wallpapers are one of the most interesting part of a mobile device. For me, whenever i get a new phone, the first thing i do is change the wallpaper and i know it’s not just me 🙂 On older device, you…

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How to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy ?

I believe screenshot is the most used feature in any device. Be it mobile, tablet, laptop or a desktop, oh! screenshot, you are sweet. I can’t imagine how i would work if not for screenshots. Go through all my articles and you will know the importance of screenshot in my life 🙂 This article will…

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