Mobile Device – HowThisThat Learn How To Do Stuffs Mon, 13 Jun 2022 04:56:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mobile Device – HowThisThat 32 32 204286644 Top 10 iPhone emoji meaning Mon, 13 Jun 2022 04:56:19 +0000 Emojis have changed the way we chat. Here we have Top 10 iPhone emoji meaning.

Sometimes words are not enough to express how you feel. So, Emojis are a great way of expressing your feelings. They make conversing easier and also save a lot of typing time.

With emojis becoming very popular these days. There are thousands of emojis available, each with their own significance. is a great platform to look for the emojis you want.

Top 10 iPhone emoji meaning

Here we have collected the top 10 emojis used by iPhone users and listed them as Top 10 iPhone emoji meaning].

Emojis are almost same for iPhone and Android phones. Some might look a bit different but carry the same significance. Let’s get into Top 10 iPhone emoji meaning.

Top 10 iPhone emoji meaning

Here is the list of top 10 iPhone emojis with their meaning.

Emoji SymbolEmoji NameEmoji Meaning
🙏Folded hands Thanks, Prayer
🥰 Smiling face with hearts love, appreciation
😍Smiling face with heart-shaped eyesLove
🔥Fire Hot, approval
🤣Rolling on floor laughingJoy
🥺 Pleading faceCute, Adorable
❤ Red heartLove
✨SparklesExcitement, Beauty, Express love
😂Face with tears of joyCrying with laughter facial expression
😭 Loudly crying face Crying, Sadness


You now know the Top 10 iPhone emoji meaning. Hope it will come to use in your next conversation.

If you would like to know more on iPhones, you may also like our iPhone category.

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How to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone? Tue, 31 May 2022 05:58:25 +0000 Bought a new phone? Looking for ways on how to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone? This article is just what you need.

During the initial launch of smartphones, transferring contacts from one phone to another was a challenge. Those days, people used to store contacts in their SIM card and later transfer the sim to a new phone and import the contacts. The biggest problem here was, SIM card had limited storage and would not be able to fit all the contacts.

Now, the process of transferring contacts as easy as a piece of cake. Either from Android to Android or Android to iPhone. It’s very simple. Below you will learn how to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone.

How do I transfer contacts to iPhone 13?

If it’s from an old iPhone to your newest iPhone 13, just sync you contacts to iCloud and once you log into your new phone with your apple id, it will automatically sync your contacts. Apple has really made life easy for it’s users.

If you want it from Android to iPhone, follow this article to learn how to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone.

Steps on how to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone

Step 1

  • Open Settings on your Android Phone
How to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone

Step 2

  • Go to Accounts, and open your Google Account. For different Android smartphones, it may be different. Tap on the Sync account.
  • From here, sync your Contacts.
How to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone

Once, you sync your contacts from your android phone to your google account. Let’s get into the steps to transfer it to your iPhone.

Step 1

  • Open Settings on your iPhone

Step 2

  • Tap on Mail
How to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone

Step 3

  • Tap on Accounts

Step 4

  • Now, Tap on add Account

Step 5

  • Select Gmail here and sign in with your Google account
How to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone

Step 6

  • Tap the Google account you just added

Step 7

  • Click on the On and Off toggle icon for Contacts
  • Hurray! You will receive your contact on your iPhone in just a few minutes
How to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone


Great! now you know how to easily transfer contacts from Android to iPhone. Hope that was easy and helpful.

You may also like , how to backup iPhone and how to delete apps from Android.

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How to backup iPhone ? Thu, 19 May 2022 09:00:57 +0000 Scared of loosing all your precious pictures and data if your iPhone is lost? Well, this article will teach you how to backup iPhone.

Phones these days have become an important part of our life. It stores our memories, payment and also our important documents. So, even the thought of losing it is a disaster. It is a great habit to keep you phone backed up somewhere else, it might be iCloud or if you prefer hard drive, that could be an option too. The most secure is iCloud.

Can i backup iPhone in hard drive ?

Backing up in a hard drive is a start but comes with it’s own risk of maybe losing it or even worst, hard drive failure. So, the best option is to upload it to a Cloud environment. Lucky for the iPhone users, Apple provides their own cloud for backup i.e. iCloud.

Where to find iPhone backup on mac?

iPhone and Mac are both products of Apple. So, they both use iCloud for backup. You get it by default on both the devices.

Let’s get into how to backup iPhone.

Does backing up iPhone save photos?

Backing up iPhone to iCloud saves photos as well. All you need to do is, give access to iCloud to backup you photos. You can easily do it by accessing the iCloud option in the settings and allowing backup for photos.

Let’s start with how to backup iPhone.

Steps on how to backup iPhone

Step 1

  • Go to your “settings”

Step 2

  • Connect WiFi & Click “iCloud Backup”
How to backup iPhone

Step 3

  • Click “Back up Now.”
How to backup iPhone
How to backup iPhone


Now you know how to backup iPhone. This is very important if you do not want to lose your pictures and documents. So make a habit of doing it from time to time. iCloud is free up to a limited storage, but you can upgrade it to other high storage with a certain fee. It is highly recommended to upgrade as it is wort the price.

Here are some articles to get to know iPhone better, How to trade in iPhone with Apple? ,How to record screen on iPhone?

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How to easily delete apps from Android ? Thu, 19 May 2022 08:38:18 +0000 Are you annoyed with all the useless apps in your phone? Well! this article will teach you how to easily delete apps from Android.

There is a huge number of Apps on the Google play store. From fitness, finance to games and video editors, there are apps available for almost all your needs. Whenever we need anything we search the app store and install an app for it. Which, we use it just that once and forget about it.

This is a common thing that happens to all of us, and with time we will have so many apps that we rarely use. The most commonly used phones are iPhones and Android phones. Well, here you will learn how to easily delete apps from Android.

Steps on how to easily delete apps from android


  • Open or unlock your mobile phone

Step 2

  • Once you are on the Home Screen.
  • Tap settings.
How to easily delete apps from Android

Step 3

  • Click on “Apps”.

Step 4

  • Click “Manage apps”

Step 5

  • Tap on “Uninstall” at the top right.

Step 6

  • Select the apps you want to delete and Tap “Uninstall”.

Step 7

  • Click “ok” to delete the apps.


I hope it was easy for you to understand how to easily delete apps from Android. Now, that you know, go ahead and delete all the junk that is taking up storage and also decreasing your phone’s performance.

You may also like, How to change wallpaper in Android?

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How to change Android wallpaper easily ? Thu, 19 May 2022 03:58:23 +0000 How to change Android wallpaper easily ? Well! you are in the right place.

Wallpapers are one of the most interesting part of a mobile device. For me, whenever i get a new phone, the first thing i do is change the wallpaper and i know it’s not just me 🙂

On older device, you could only have one wallpaper and that too a still image or a design that you like. But, with the advancement of technology, these days you get multiple options to customize your phone wallpaper.

Specially with Android there are a lot of options to customize your wallpaper. Let’s get into how to change iPhone wallpaper easily.

You may also like, how to change iPhone wallpaper easily.

What is the most popular Android phone ?

Well! at the moment the most popular Android phone is Samsung S series. It is the most popular series of android phones that people compare with iPhone.

Steps on how to change android wallpaper easily

Step 1

  • Open up your phone

Step 2

  • Tap on any open space for a few seconds.
How to change Android wallpaper easily

Step 3

  • Once you get the menu as shown below.
  • Click wallpaper

Step 4

  • Amongst various choices, search the type of wallpaper you want.

Step 5

  • Click on wallpaper and Tap apply.

Step 6

  • After applying wallpaper, there is a choice between using this photo as wallpaper for your home screen, lock screen, or both.
  • Choose the one that you want.


That was easy, now you know how to change Android wallpaper easily. Try out all the different features that Android provides and select the best one that suits you.

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How to change iPhone wallpaper easily ? Wed, 18 May 2022 04:44:36 +0000 How to change iPhone wallpaper easily ? Well! you are in the right place.

Wallpapers are one of the most interesting part of a mobile device. For me, whenever i get a new phone, the first thing i do is change the wallpaper and i know it’s not just me 🙂

On older device, you could only have one wallpaper and that too a still image or a design that you like. But, with the advancement of technology, these days you get multiple options to customize your phone wallpaper.

Specially with iPhone, there are a lot of options to customize your wallpaper. Let’s get into how to change iPhone wallpaper easily.

Is there any way to change the wallpaper with the new iOS 15.4 update?

Yes, you just need to follow the below steps and you are all set.

How to make wallpaper change automatically on iPhone?

iPhone provides multiple options to customize your wallpaper, but it doesn’t have a direct feature to allow users to easily change wallpaper automatically. However, you can still do it through the shortcut section and adding personal automation. We will provide full detail on this on your future articles.

Can you change the wallpaper for each page on iPhone?

No, there is no way to change the wallpaper for each page on iPhone. The only possibility is to set a different wallpaper for lock screen and Home screen,

Now, let’s get into how to change iPhone wallpaper easily.

Before we dive in, you may also like, how to record screen on iPhone?

Steps on how to change iPhone wallpaper easily

Step 1

  • Open Settings
How to change iPhone wallpaper easily?

Step 2

  • Click on Wallpaper
How to change iPhone wallpaper easily

Step 3

  • Click on Choose a New Wallpaper
How to change iPhone wallpaper easily

Step 4

  • Tap on the type of wallpaper you want.
  • Dynamic: This is a picture from Apple’s stock photograph library with impacts that blur into view and respond to your gadget’s development.
  • Stills: This is a still picture from Apple’s stock photo library.
  • Live: These are live images from Apple’s stock gallery. They have a small animation once you press it with your finger.
  • Photo Library: These will give you the images from your photo library.
How to change iPhone wallpaper easily

Step 5

  • Select a picture to go into Preview mode.
  • When in Preview mode, you can choose to switch the perspective zoom on or off. With this option on, you’ll see your wallpaper move when you run the phone.
  • Tap Set.
  • Pick whether you want that background for your Lock Screen, Home Screen, or Both.


Great! now you know how to change iPhone wallpaper easily. You also learnt the different options iPhone provides to customize your wallpaper. Have fun with it !

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How to reduce iPhone alarm volume? Mon, 16 May 2022 05:22:05 +0000 How to reduce iPhone alarm volume? Well! Let’s describe alarms first.

Alarms! the one things that most of us know as the first thing you hear at the start of a day. It is an important part of our life and also the most hated one :-).

Majority of us set alarms to wake up in the morning but it is also used to remind us of some tasks that we need to perform during the day. However we use it, we prefer it to be soothing and in just the perfect volume so as not to wake us up as if the world was ending. You know what i mean?

Alarms need to be toned to a right volume i.e. something that breaks your sleep and helps you wake up and not so soothing that makes you want to sleep more. So, here you will learn how to reduce iPhone alarm volume.

What is snoozing an alarm?

Well! device manufactures know that people tend to quickly disable an alarm thinking they have waken up but once you disable it you tend to fall asleep again. So, to make it a slow process, there is a feature of snoozing an alarm. Once you snooze an alarm, it extend the time by 10 minutes. So, if you fall asleep again there will be another alarm after 10 minutes.

I have used this feature a lot but the problem is i tend to extend it multiple times which ultimately leds to me being late all the time. So, use it wisely 🙂

How to decrease alarm volume iPhone 13?

iPhone tries to keep things on the same place so as not to confuse the users. But, sometimes they do the changes and we have to google these things.

Visit Apple official site, if you are looking to buy an iPhone 13.

Follow the steps below to learn how to reduce iPhone alarm volume.

Steps on how to reduce iPhone alarm volume

Step 1

  • Go to your Settings.
How to reduce iPhone alarm volume?

Step 2

  • Click Sound
How to reduce iPhone alarm volume?

Step 3

  • See the “Ringer and Alerts” slider.
  • Drag the slider to the left to decrease and to the right to increase the alarm volume.
How to reduce iPhone alarm volume?


Now that you know how to reduce iPhone alarm volume, you can sleep in peace. Make sure to choose the right music and the right volume for a perfect match.

If you would like to learn more iPhone features visit our category, iPhone.

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How to put sim card in iPhone? Mon, 09 May 2022 05:07:45 +0000 SIM cards are now familiar to most of you. SIM card is the memory chip inside your phone that stores information and connects you to a wireless network. This article will teach how to put sim card in iPhone. Also, by moving your SIM card, you can easily switch carriers.

Do you know how to put a sim card in iPhone? The process of inserting and removing a SIM card varies depending on the device. You’ll need a SIM card to activate an iPhone. The steps below will help through how to put sim card in iPhone. If you are having trouble following the below steps, consult with your carrier.

Before we get into how to put SIM card in iPhone , let’s learn the basics.

Types of SIM card

  • A Mini SIM, also called a Standard SIM.

    Measurement: 15 x 25mm.

    Compatibility: The Mini SIM would be used in 2011 phones and older, like the iPhone 3.
  • A Micro SIM card

    Measurement: 12 x 15mm.

    Compatibility : Phones manufactured between 2012 and 2013
  • Nano SIM card

    Measurement: 8.8 x 12.3mm

    Compatibility: Almost all new phones.

What are IMEI and ICCID numbers?

The International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number is a 15 digit number that every phones have. The IMEI number can be found on the sticker below the battery on the back of your phone or on the case your telephone came in.

You can also show the IMEI number on the screen of your cell phone by entering *#06# into the keypad.

ICCIDs are stored in the SIM cards and are also printed on the SIM card during a personalization process. The ICCID is characterized by the ITU-T suggestion E.118 as the Primary Account Number. A full ICCID is 19 or 20 digit number.

How to open iPhone sim card slot easily?

The best option for this is the iPhone SIM card ejector tool. Well! if you don’t have it or have lost it, you can also use other tools as well. Make sure you do it carefully.

Can you put a cricket SIM card into an iPhone?

A Cricket SIM card must be compatible with your iPhone. Before you insert your SIM card, make sure your iOS is up to date.

Let’s start how to put SIM card in iPhone.

Steps on how to put sim card in iPhone

Step 1

  • Turn off the iPhone
  • Locate your sim card slot on the side of your iPhone. With the help of SIM eject tool, unlock the tray by inserting it into the slot and pressing gently.
how to put sim card in iPhone

Step 2

  • If you have an existing sim card, take it out of the iPhone.
  • If it’s a new phone the clot will be empty.
how to put sim card in iPhone

Step 3

  • Replace the old SIM with new SIM or just place the new sim in the bracket.

Step 4

  • Slide the tray back into the iPhone & Turn the iPhone Back ON


This article guided you on how to put sim card in iPhone. Accurately embedding the sim so you won’t wind up with the wrecked sim card opening.

To enjoy full benefits of the sim card, you need to know the sim and its management. While you are picking any sim for your phone, make a point to know the phone as well as the sim. By following this article, you can put sim card in all the model of the iPhone.

Caution: Never attempt to figure a SIM PIN. A mistaken estimate can forever lock your SIM, and you will not have the option to settle on phone decisions or utilize cell information through your transporter until you get another SIM.

Since you just learnt how to put SIM card in iPhone, You may also like how to reset iphone to factory setting

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How to clear cache on iPhone 2022 ? Wed, 20 Apr 2022 05:45:16 +0000 It is a good habit to clear cache and browsing history from time to time. As, these elements take a certain amount of memory and storage in your device which may sometimes make your device slow and even crash. Here you will learn how to clear cache on iPhone 2022.

If you own older versions of iPhone with low memory and storage, i highly recommend you to follow the steps below to improve your device performance. There might be a lot of reasons for your device to run slow but this surely is the first step you can take.

What does clear cache mean ?

Clearing cache from a device simply means to erase the temporary memory or storage an application has used during the time you use it. Applications need a certain part of your device memory to function and during the time you use it, they create files in your storage to store usage data and also create cookies to store user data.

These data are temporary but the app doesn’t remove it once you exit the app. So, you will need to manually remove it. There are generally two types of cache on iPhone, Safari cache and Application cache. Safari cache is basically a temporary storage used by the browser to store cookies and browsing history data. Application cache are data stored by applications to function as well as to understand user behaviour to provide quality content.

Let’s get into how to clear cache on iPhone 2022.

Clearing memory on iPhone

As stated above, applications need memory to open and run in your device. They are temporary storage but sometimes some apps keep running in the background and keep on consuming a certain part of the memory though you have already quit the app. This is the reason you device runs slow and sometimes crashes when you try to load an app.

Below steps will guide you on how to stop apps from using your memory.

Steps on how to clear cache on iPhone 2022 ( Safari)

There are two types of cache on an iPhone, Safari Cache and Application Cache. Let’s start with the steps on how to clear cache on iPhone 2022 in Safari

Step 1

  • Open iPhone settings.
How to clear cache on iPhone 2022

Step 2

  • Scroll down and Tap Safari
How to clear cache on iPhone 2022

Step 3

  • Click on ” Clear History and Website Data.
How to clear cache on iPhone 2022

Steps on how to clear cache on iPhone 2022 ( Applications)

Here are the steps to clear cache on iPhone 2022 in applications

Step 1

  • Open settings and go to ” General”.
  • Click on iPhone Storage.
How to clear cache on iPhone 2022

Step 2

  • Give it some time to load all the applications.
  • Click on the application and Tap ” Offload App”.
How to clear cache on iPhone 2022

You can get more details from Apple official site.


Great! now you know how to clear cache on iPhone 2022. Make sure you do it frequently if you feel your device is running slower than expected. This is not the only solution to increase your device speed but it’s surely a start.

You may also like how to reset iPhone to factory setting and how to record screen on iPhone.

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How to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy ? Tue, 12 Apr 2022 05:08:47 +0000 I believe screenshot is the most used feature in any device. Be it mobile, tablet, laptop or a desktop, oh! screenshot, you are sweet. I can’t imagine how i would work if not for screenshots. Go through all my articles and you will know the importance of screenshot in my life 🙂 This article will teach you the steps on how to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy.

Whoever discovered this amazing feature in the 1960’s, you are a god. It has become a part of life now. I am not a researcher but if someone one day does a research on it i think every second in a day there will be someone in the world taking a screenshot. It used to be a bit difficult and non customizable before, but these days it’s very easy and there are multiple options available for customizing.

I hope someday someone will screenshot HowThisThat and put it on the internet. For now, let’s learn how to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy:

Steps on how to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy

Step 1

  • Press the Volume Down and Power buttons simultaneously and HOLD them for a second until the screenshot is taken.
How to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy

Step 2

  • This is a more fun way to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy. Swipe your palm across the screen from Left to Right, Or, sipe your palm across the screen from Right to Left. You will get your screenshot.
How to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy

Step 3

  • This one is not that efficient but since this article is about how to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy, i will mention this too.
  • Click Google Assistant and say ” TAKE A SCREENSHOT”. Or, type in the command. This will capture a screenshot for you.
How to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy

So, you are an expert “screenshotter” now. Don’t mind, that’s not even a word but you surely know how to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy now. Enjoy! If you have an iPhone, you may like how to record screen on iPhone? Also, visit here to learn how to screenshot on Mac?

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