Category: Software

How to unsend an email in Outlook ?

Most of us have faced this and always wanted an option to unsend an email. Here, you will learn how to unsend an email in Outlook. An incomplete email or an email addressed to a wrong person. We have been through this and always thought of how great it is to unsend an email. Oh!!…

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How to find saved passwords on Mac ?

Saved passwords can be viewed in System Preferences on macOS Monterey and later. Here you will learn steps on how to find saved passwords on Mac. With huge number of applications in use everyday, it is almost impossible for us to remember passwords to all of them. So, the save password feature has made life…

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How to clear safari history?

Clearing History means to remove your web records from you browser. Doing this will remove the search history based on the time frame you select. This article will teach you how to clear safari history? There are generally three types of browser record that people often clear i.e. Cookies, History and Cache. Well! you are…

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Top 5 youtube to MP3 converter for Android and iOS

Youtube is an online platform so requires wifi or cellular data to function. Due to which people tend to download the music and videos to their device for future use. This article mentions the Top 5 youtube to MP3 converter for Android and iOS. Before we start this topic, let’s make it clear that downloading…

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How to delete a gmail account?

Gmail is an email service that is provided by Google. Gmail is a social networking website that helps to connect people to share information by composing online email services. This article will help you how to delete a Gmail account. Signing up for a google account is free and you are also able to access…

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How to set up email signatures?

Email is a great tool for professional communication these days. Most commonly used email platforms are Gmail, Outlook, Spark etc.. If you are a professional, you should definitely know how to set up email signatures as, they aid towards your professionalism and also serves as your quick introduction to the receiver. This article will teach…

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How to delete a page in Word?

You are on a device searching for this so i don’t think i need to explain what a Word is 🙂 Word with it’s amazing features have helped us through school, college and even work. What would we do without word? Oh! i can’t imagine. I am currently using word to write this article so…

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How to split screen on Mac?

Want to make working on a Mac easy? Learn, how to split screen on Mac. All of us know that two is better than one. If you work on a computer, having two screens makes work so much easier. I have three screens 🙂 One for writing, one for display and one for the amazing…

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How to change password in Gmail ?

Google is by far the best platform you will find on the internet. This article will teach you how to change password in Gmail. With a lot of amazing applications, there is so much you can do with a google account. It’s a great platform for students to learn, businesses are built on top of…

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How to screenshot on Mac?

I believe screenshot is the most used feature in any device. Be it mobile, tablet, laptop or a desktop, oh! screenshot, you are sweet. I can’t imagine how i would work if not for screenshots. Go through all my articles and you will know the importance of screenshot in my life 🙂 This article will…

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