Software – HowThisThat Learn How To Do Stuffs Mon, 06 Jun 2022 06:36:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Software – HowThisThat 32 32 204286644 How to unsend an email in Outlook ? Mon, 06 Jun 2022 04:42:50 +0000 Most of us have faced this and always wanted an option to unsend an email. Here, you will learn how to unsend an email in Outlook.

An incomplete email or an email addressed to a wrong person. We have been through this and always thought of how great it is to unsend an email. Oh!! the satisfaction you get once you realize it and are able to revert it back.

Well! though this is an amazing feature and has saved a lot of embarrassing moments in our life, you need to understand that this feature is only available for a moment after you hit the send button. So, if you feel somethings wrong with the email, quickly unsend it and later review it.

Also, if you are interested in adding email signatures to your email, view, how to add email signatures.

Let’s get into how to unsend an email in Outlook.

What is the time limit to unsend an email ?

This depends on the email client you use. Most of them allow you to choose the time you want the email client to hold your email before delivering it. It’s normally 5 to 10 seconds. You would also not want a buffer more than that as, that would just delay the time your email get’s sent.

For this article we are focusing on Outlook email client. Let’s get into how to unsend an email in Outlook.

Steps on how to unsend an email in Outlook

Step 1

  • Open your Outlook email client.
  • Click on Outlook Settings
  • Go to Mail
  • Click Compose & Reply
  • Scroll to “Undo” Send
  • Adjust the slider value from 0 to 10 seconds.
how to unsend an email in Outlook

Step 2

  • Compose an email and click send button.
  • To unsend an email, simply click the “Undo” on the box at the bottom left of the Window. Your email will return and will be saved to your Drafts folder.
  • Adjust the email and you can send it again.
how to unsend an email in Outlook


Great! now you know how to unsend an email in Outlook. I hope this feature helps out a lot. Make sure to setup the send time delay as you want. 10 seconds is an optimal option.

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How to find saved passwords on Mac ? Mon, 06 Jun 2022 04:07:50 +0000 Saved passwords can be viewed in System Preferences on macOS Monterey and later. Here you will learn steps on how to find saved passwords on Mac.

With huge number of applications in use everyday, it is almost impossible for us to remember passwords to all of them. So, the save password feature has made life a lot easier.

We are very much dependent on software for our every days tasks, either at work or just our social media profiles. So, it is important that we password protect all the applications. But, the problem to this is that, there is no chance we remember the passwords to all the applications.

Let’s get into the steps on how to find saved passwords on Mac.

How to save password in Mac ?

Well! Mac provides a default feature for storing your passwords. If you want to use any other third party application make sure it is a trusted application. Personally, i would recommend 1password. It is a great platform and is available for Mac, iPhone and also your browsers.

Let’s get in to how to find saved passwords on Mac.

You may also like, how to change Gmail password and How to change TikTok password.

Steps on how to find saved passwords on Mac

Step 1

  • On the top left corner of you Mac, click on the apple icon.
  • Go to System Preferences.
  • Click Password.
how to find saved passwords on mac

Step 2

  • Sign in with Touch ID, or enter your user account password.
  • Select a website, then click Edit and you will see your password.
How to find saved passwords on Mac

Step 3

  • To delete a password, click Delete Password. Change the password and then click Save to update.
how to find saved passwords on mac


Great! you now know How to find saved passwords on Mac. I hope this comes in handy. Make sure you keep this safe from unauthorized access. Whatever password you save will be stored here and if by any chance this is compromised, what can i say ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s troubling news for you.

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How to clear safari history? Wed, 18 May 2022 04:45:50 +0000 Clearing History means to remove your web records from you browser. Doing this will remove the search history based on the time frame you select. This article will teach you how to clear safari history?

There are generally three types of browser record that people often clear i.e. Cookies, History and Cache. Well! you are in the right place to learn how to clear all these from your safari browser.

Let’s get into how to clear safari history.

First we start with, how to clear cookies in Safari ?

How to clear cookies in Safari ?

Step 1

  • Open Safari browser.
  • Select Preferences.

Step 2

  • Go to the Privacy tab & Press Manage Website Data

Step 3

  • Click “Remove All” to remove all cookies then click “Done“.

How to clear Safari history ?

Step 1

  • On the Safari browser, Click on Safari menu item and choose the “Clear History” item.
  • To clear history based on specific time frame, follow the below steps.
  • On the Safari browser, go to History menu item and tap “Clear History” You can choose to clear the last hour, today, today, and yesterday, or all history from the dialog box that appears.
  • Then click on “Clear History“.
how to delete safari history

Clear safari caches

Step 1

  • Click Safari < Select the Develop drop-down menu. Click Empty Caches.
clear safari caches

How to check history on MacBook ?

Step 1

  • Open Safari.
  • Click History.

Step 2

  • Click “Show All History

Step 3

  • Scroll down to view your history


Well! now you know how to clear Safari history. Also, you have learnt how to clear Safari cache and Cookies. It is good habit of clearing this time to time, since you now know how, do apply it time to time.

Since you are into Safari and Mac, you may also like, how to screenshot on a mac? and How to split screen on Mac?

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Top 5 youtube to MP3 converter for Android and iOS Tue, 10 May 2022 09:02:29 +0000 Youtube is an online platform so requires wifi or cellular data to function. Due to which people tend to download the music and videos to their device for future use. This article mentions the Top 5 youtube to MP3 converter for Android and iOS.

Before we start this topic, let’s make it clear that downloading music and videos is cool but we at”Howthisthat” always respect creators copyright and do not encourage people to violate their copyright content.

How download youtube mp3?

Youtube doesn’t allow users to download content from other users. But, there are third party apps that provide this feature. They are easy to use. In this article you will learn step by step guide for one and can follow the process for the rest. Below is a list of top 5 youtube to MP3 converter for Android and iOS.

Top 5 youtube to MP3 converter for Android and iOS

Number 1

Step 1

Step 2

  • Open YMusic app
  • Tap search icon

Step 3

  • Search the song You want to download
  • Click search online.

Step 4

  • Play music
  • Click the download icon.

Step 5

  • Select the Mp3 or mp4 quality you want to download.
Top 5 youtube to MP3 converter for Android and iOS

Step 6

  • Click Star download to download music.
Top 5 youtube to MP3 converter for Android and iOS

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

Number 5


The steps to download is almost similar in all the above apps. Once you understand the one shown above the rest are easy. Hope you liked the Top 5 youtube to MP3 converter for Android and iOS.

If you would like to learn more technology related stuffs visit out Software category.

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How to delete a gmail account? Mon, 09 May 2022 05:29:00 +0000 Gmail is an email service that is provided by Google. Gmail is a social networking website that helps to connect people to share information by composing online email services. This article will help you how to delete a Gmail account.

Signing up for a google account is free and you are also able to access other Google services like play store, google docs, youtube, google calendar and many more. Deleting a Google account will also affect several other functions and applications that you have linked with your Google account.

After deleting your Gmail account you will not be able to update games, applications, music players, and other documents which you have purchased online and will lose the data which you have stored in google drive like photos, files, documents, email messages, etc. So, make sure you have backed up all your information before deleting your account.

How to delete a Gmail account permanently?

You can delete you gmail account via a web browser or your phone. Below, i have listed the steps on how to delete a gmail account using your phone.

Steps on how to delete a gmail account


  • Open gmail
  • Tap profile button
How to delete a gmail account


  • Tap manage your google account
How to delete a gmail account


  • Tap data and privacy.
  • Scroll down and click “delete your account”.
How to delete a gmail account


  • Enter your gmail password
How to delete a gmail account


  • Confirm the check boxes.
  • Select the delete google account
  • Delete your gmail account
How to delete a gmail account


Follow these simple steps to delete your gmail account and always make sure you have everything backed up before you initiate the deletion.

Great! now you know how to delete a gmail account.

Don’t forget to check out how to change password in Gmail.

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How to set up email signatures? Mon, 11 Apr 2022 05:57:53 +0000 Email is a great tool for professional communication these days. Most commonly used email platforms are Gmail, Outlook, Spark etc.. If you are a professional, you should definitely know how to set up email signatures as, they aid towards your professionalism and also serves as your quick introduction to the receiver. This article will teach you how to set up email signatures.

With the popularity of email services, there are a lot of platforms providing the services. Here we will mainly focus on two of the leading providers i.e. Gmail and Outlook. Gmail is one of the leading providers of online email services where as Outlook is famous for their desktop based application. Both provide great SPAM filters that make sure only intended emails reach your inbox. Now, let’s learn how to set up email signatures.

Email signature is also a common feature provided by both Gmail and Outlook. They are not mandatory for sending emails but i would highly recommend you to set up email signatures. They are a good way to display your contact details and since it also supports HTML, you can customize it as needed. There are a lot of free platforms that provide you with HTML code to teach you how to set up email signatures.

How to add email signature in gmail ?

Let’s start with gmail. Follow the steps below to add email signature in gmail:

Step 1

  • Open your Gmail email and Tap on the settings icon on the Top right corner.
how to add email signature in gmail

Step 2

  • Click on General. It is the first option in the navigation menu.
  • Scroll down to the last part of the page.
  • Click on ” Create New” on the ” Signature” section.
how to add email signature in gmail

Step 3

  • In the provided editor add all the information you want in your signature. You can also add HTML code here.
  • Once done, click ” Save changes” at the bottom of the page.
how to set up email signatures

Great! now you have an email signature in Gmail. You may also like our other article on Gmail.

How to set up email signatures in Outlook ?

Follow the below steps to set up email signatures in Outlook:

Step 1

  • In your Outlook app. Tap on the settings icon on the Top Right corner.
how to set up email signatures in Outlook

Step 2

  • Tap on Search and type ” Signature”.
  • Click on the result ” Email signature”
how to set up email signatures in Outlook

Step 3

  • Add all the information you want to display on your signature. You can also add HTML code here.
  • Once done, click Save.

Great! Now that you know how to set up email signatures. I hope you take some time to create one and make sure you only include the needed info. Here is a list of things you can consider:

  • Present it in a list format and not a paragraph.
  • If you represent a company, add high quality Company logo.
  • Adding a disclaimer at the bottom is useful.
  • If you plan to advertise your product make sure it doesn’t take up large space.
  • If you have a website, add your website URL.

You will get more content like this in our technology software section.

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How to delete a page in Word? Thu, 31 Mar 2022 06:43:23 +0000 You are on a device searching for this so i don’t think i need to explain what a Word is ๐Ÿ™‚ Word with it’s amazing features have helped us through school, college and even work. What would we do without word? Oh! i can’t imagine. I am currently using word to write this article so you can imagine. This article will teach you how to delete a page in word.

Word has a lot and i mean a lot of features and knowing all of it is not possible, at least for someone with an IQ level like mine i.e. medium i would say. So, for my super talented fellas, if you are a word expert and would like to share your skills write to me at and let’s collaborate. Focusing on the title of this article i don’t think i will find Word ninjas here ๐Ÿ™‚

How to delete a page in word? Well! Let’s get started.

  • Steps
    – Click on the page you want to remove.
    – For Windows press Ctrl + G to open the ” Find and Replace” pop – up window. For Mac press Option + command(โŒ˜) + G
    – Type “\page” in the ” Enter page number” box and click on “Go to” followed by the “Close” button. This will select all the content of the page.
    – Press the backspace key on windows and delete key for Mac to erase everything of the selected page.
    – This will remove the page from your file.
how to delete a page in word


This was easy learning how to delete a page in word. Like i said there are thousands of features in Word and covering all is not possible. I will make sure i add all the most used features soon.

If you are looking for other software answers, you can visit our software category.

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How to split screen on Mac? Tue, 29 Mar 2022 05:31:28 +0000 Want to make working on a Mac easy? Learn, how to split screen on Mac.

All of us know that two is better than one. If you work on a computer, having two screens makes work so much easier. I have three screens ๐Ÿ™‚ One for writing, one for display and one for the amazing graphics and screenshots that i upload. I would seriously quit doing this if all these had to be done in a single screen. Mac provides a feature where you can split a single screen into two. This article will teach you how to split screen on Mac.

Split screen feature is most useful in Mac’s with larger screen. It saves a lot of time and makes working fun. It’s a simple feature but most people are not aware of it as it’s kind of hidden. Well! if you don’t know now you’ll know.

Let’s make working easy and fun and learn how to split screen on Mac.

How to split screen on Mac

Steps on how to split screen on Mac

  1. Move your curser over the full-screen button in the upper-left corner of a window. Or click and hold the button
  2. Choose โ€Tile Window to Left of Screenโ€ or โ€Tile Window to Right of Screenโ€ from the menu. The window then fills that side of the screen.
  3. Then click a window on the other side of the screen to begin using both windows side by side.
how to split screen on Mac

How to Drag Windows Between Apps ?

In order to learn how to Split Screen On Mac, first launch one app. Then click on the icon for another app in the Dock. Now drag the window of the second app into the space where the first app was.

How to move windows between spaces ?

If youโ€™re using multiple monitors, you might find yourself wanting to move windows between spaces. This is easy with Split Screen On Mac. Just drag the window out of its current space and drop it onto the other monitor.

How to Switch between spaces with keyboard shortcuts ?

There are several keyboard shortcuts available to switch between spaces. Press Command+Tab to cycle through the spaces. Press Shift+Command+Tab to go directly to the last used space. And press Control+Option+Spacebar to toggle between spaces.


Great! now you know how to split screen on Mac. A simple but very useful feature. I hope you will use it to improve your productivity and impress your boss. ๐Ÿ™‚ If you don’t own a Mac you can get it online or on Apple store.

Also, visit here to learn how to take screen shot in a Mac.

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How to change password in Gmail ? Fri, 25 Mar 2022 06:30:24 +0000 Google is by far the best platform you will find on the internet. This article will teach you how to change password in Gmail. With a lot of amazing applications, there is so much you can do with a google account.

It’s a great platform for students to learn, businesses are built on top of it’s applications, doctors, engineers, you name it, everyone uses it. Gmail is an application of Google that provides email services. Email is the best form of communication today and has become a very crucial part of everyones lives. So, keeping it safe should be your high priority.

By now, everyone knows what a password is. With the evolution of technology, keeping it safe and choosing the strongest has become a challenge. So, no matter the strength of your password you need to make a habit of changing it from time to time. Also, make sure you never share your password with anyone and i mean “ANYONE”.

Let’s get into how to change password in Gmail.

Reasons to change your password regularly

Making a habit to change your password regularly will make sure your data on the different applications you use are safe. Here are other reasons to change your password regularly:

  • If you think someone might easily guess it.
  • If you use the same password everywhere.
  • There is any unusual data or settings change in your application.
  • You recently logged in to your applications from a public place using a public device.
  • Have used the same password for way too long.

What is the best password format ?

To keep your data safe, you need to make sure you have a strong password. Follow the below steps to create a strong password:

  • Uppercase character ( A – Z )
  • Lowercase character ( a- z )
  • Numbers ( 0 – 9 )
  • Special character ( !, @, # ,$ % )
  • Minimum 10 characters

Now that you are aware of the requirements, Let’s learn how to change password in Gmail.

Steps on how to change password in Gmail

  • Step 1
    – Open your gmail account and Tap profile
Gmail account
  • Step 2
    – Click on “Manage your google account”.
How to change password in Gmail
  • Step 3
    – Navigate to the “Security” tab.
How to change password in Gmail
  • Step 4
    – Enter your password to verify it’s you
Gmail user verification
  • Step 5
    – Enter your new password and confirm your new password.
    – Make sure you choose a strong password and match the validation requirement.
How to change password in Gmail

Can you change your Gmail address ?

Your email address is unique to you. Once created it can’t have duplicates. So, there is no possible option to change your Gmail address. On the other hand, you could always create a new one with a new address.


Great! You have successfully learnt how to change password in Gmail. Remember to do this from time to time to keep your account safe.

While you are on the move, Visit this link to change your Facebook password and change your Instagram password.

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How to screenshot on Mac? Thu, 24 Mar 2022 09:12:20 +0000 I believe screenshot is the most used feature in any device. Be it mobile, tablet, laptop or a desktop, oh! screenshot, you are sweet. I can’t imagine how i would work if not for screenshots. Go through all my articles and you will know the importance of screenshot in my life ๐Ÿ™‚ This article will teach you how to screenshot on Mac.

Whoever discovered this amazing feature in the 1960’s, you are a god. It has become a part of life now. I am not a researcher but if someone one day does a research on it i think every second in a day there will be someone in the world taking a screenshot. It used to be a bit difficult and non customizable before but these days it’s very easy and there are multiple options available for customizing.

I hope someday someone will screenshot HowThisThat and put it on the internet (Facebook). For now, let’s learn how to screenshot on Mac:

Steps on how to screenshot on Mac

  • To grab the entire screen
    – Press and hold three keys: Shift + Command + 3
    – This will capture a screenshot of the entire screen.
    – Save it as a file.
how to screenshot on Mac
  • To capture a portion of screen
    – Click and hold Shift + Command +4
    – Capture a specific part of the screen.
    – Save.
how to screenshot on Mac
  • To capture a Window or Menu
    – Press and hold these three keys together Shift + Command +5 Or, Shift + Command + 4 + Space Bar
    – Capture as needed
    – Save as a file.
how to screenshot on Mac


So, you are an expert “screenshotter” now. Don’t mind, that’s not even a word but you surely know how to screenshot on Mac now. Enjoy! If you have an iPhone, you may like how to record screen on iPhone? Also, visit here to learn how to split screen on Mac? and how to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy?

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