How to make a NFT

How to make a NFT ?

How to make a NFT

Everyone is talking about Digital assets, cryptocurrencies and NFT’s. Well! It is still in the initial stage and there are a lot of development and improvements happening around it. Like cryptocurrency, NFT’s are also built on a blockchain platform. To understand NFT’s you will need to have at least a basic understanding of Blockchain and cryptocurrencies. This article will focus on NFT and will teach you how to make a NFT.

What is a NFT?

NFT stands for Non Fungible Token. It is a digital asset in the form of Art, music or Videos. Let’s break it down a bit. Non-fungible means they are always one of a kind meaning it can’t be exchanged or can’t be matched in value with other NFT’s. Further to understand this, one euro is always equal to one euro. They can be exchanged and will always have the same value. So, Euro can be called as fungible. So, how to make a NFT?

NFT’s are stored in a Blockchain and have a unique signature assigned to each. You could read it as an art, music or video but in a blockchain it is just a series of character that help distinguish one from the other. This unique signature helps to prove the authenticity of an NFT. Before you learn how to make NFT ?, let’s get into the basics.

Where to buy and sell NFT?

How to buy and sell NFT

NFT’s started around 2014 but it’s getting more popular in the recent days. For a beginner, it might sound like a big deal but trust me, once you have a basic knowledge on it, it’s a piece of cake 🙂 Just follow these articles How to create a cryptocurrency wallet? and How to buy NFT with Coinbase? to understand the basics before going into how to make a NFT.

Here are some platforms to buy and sell NFT. To get in more details visit How to buy and sell NFT?

Here is a list of marketplace:

  1. Open Sea:
    – Popularity : 9 out of 10. It’s very popular.
    – About: It holds different kinds on NFT’s and is also free to sign up. Also, this platform allows you to create you NFT’s and sell it here. It’s customer base is growing everyday, mainly to sell NFT. This marketplace is a good start to learn how to make a NFT.
    -Blockchain : It supports 150+ different tokens for payment.
  2. Crypto Punks:
    – Popularity : 9 out of 10. If you have spent some time researching NFT. I am sure you have heard about Crypto Punks. These NFT’s are sold out and a single one values in millions of dollars. I just wish someone could gift me one 🙂
    – About: It is the most hyped NFT and also one of the earliest to be introduced.
    -Blockchain : Ethereum.
  3. Axie Marketplace:
    – Popularity : 8 out of 10. Axie Infinity , have you heard about this video game? I think most of you have as it’s one of the early adaptors on game based NFT’s.
    – About: It is a NFT marketplace where people can bye Axies, the video game characters, land and other digital assets that can be later used in the video game.
    -Blockchain : Ethereum.
  4. Rarible:
    – Popularity : 7 out of 10.
    – About: It is similar to Open Sea but not as popular. Also, here you will need it’s own token called ” Rarible” to make transactions and also to create and sell NFT. This is another good platform to learn how to make a NFT?
    – Blockchain: Ethereum.

How to upload NFT for free?

There are many platforms that allow you to upload NFT for free. Personally, i prefer Open sea as it is a very popular platform and also provides free sign up a good way to learn how to make NFT.

If you have a collection of digital art, music or videos, you could simply sign up for free and add them for a bid or on sale. Remember, you will need to have a cryptocurrency wallet and have it connected to the platform. This way anything you boy or sell can be stored in the wallet.

Now, let’s get into how to make a NFT.

What is mint NFT?

How to make a NFT

Minting and NFT simply means Creating an NFT. NFT’s are created on a blockchain. Suppose, you create music and want to make an audio clip into an NFT. All you need to do it visit a NFT marketplace, create your account and follow the steps to upload your audio to the blockchain and it’s done. How to mint a NFT? and How to make a NFT? are the same question. Your NFT will be created and you can then have it on sell or store it in your digital wallet for sale in the future.

How much does it cost to create a NFT?

How to make a NFT

Well! this depends on the platform you choose to create it on. Some platforms allow to to create a NFT for free. Whereas, some have a fee that can be paid using cryptocurrency. Like i mentioned above, Open Sea allows users to create NFT for free but they do charge 2.5% on every transaction. So, you pay when you sell.

Great! you now know how to make a NFT. Hope we get to see your creations soon!

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Everyone is talking about Digital assets, cryptocurrencies and NFT’s. Well! It is still in the initial stage and there are a lot of development and improvements happening around it. Like cryptocurrency, NFT’s are also built on a blockchain platform. To understand NFT’s you will need to have at least a basic understanding of Blockchain and…