How to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy

How to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy ?

I believe screenshot is the most used feature in any device. Be it mobile, tablet, laptop or a desktop, oh! screenshot, you are sweet. I can’t imagine how i would work if not for screenshots. Go through all my articles and you will know the importance of screenshot in my life 🙂 This article will teach you the steps on how to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy.

Whoever discovered this amazing feature in the 1960’s, you are a god. It has become a part of life now. I am not a researcher but if someone one day does a research on it i think every second in a day there will be someone in the world taking a screenshot. It used to be a bit difficult and non customizable before, but these days it’s very easy and there are multiple options available for customizing.

I hope someday someone will screenshot HowThisThat and put it on the internet. For now, let’s learn how to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy:

Steps on how to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy

Step 1

  • Press the Volume Down and Power buttons simultaneously and HOLD them for a second until the screenshot is taken.
How to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy

Step 2

  • This is a more fun way to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy. Swipe your palm across the screen from Left to Right, Or, sipe your palm across the screen from Right to Left. You will get your screenshot.
How to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy

Step 3

  • This one is not that efficient but since this article is about how to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy, i will mention this too.
  • Click Google Assistant and say ” TAKE A SCREENSHOT”. Or, type in the command. This will capture a screenshot for you.
How to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy

So, you are an expert “screenshotter” now. Don’t mind, that’s not even a word but you surely know how to screenshot in Samsung Galaxy now. Enjoy! If you have an iPhone, you may like how to record screen on iPhone? Also, visit here to learn how to screenshot on Mac?

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I believe screenshot is the most used feature in any device. Be it mobile, tablet, laptop or a desktop, oh! screenshot, you are sweet. I can’t imagine how i would work if not for screenshots. Go through all my articles and you will know the importance of screenshot in my life 🙂 This article will…