How to change iPhone wallpaper easily

How to change iPhone wallpaper easily ?

How to change iPhone wallpaper easily ? Well! you are in the right place.

Wallpapers are one of the most interesting part of a mobile device. For me, whenever i get a new phone, the first thing i do is change the wallpaper and i know it’s not just me 🙂

On older device, you could only have one wallpaper and that too a still image or a design that you like. But, with the advancement of technology, these days you get multiple options to customize your phone wallpaper.

Specially with iPhone, there are a lot of options to customize your wallpaper. Let’s get into how to change iPhone wallpaper easily.

Is there any way to change the wallpaper with the new iOS 15.4 update?

Yes, you just need to follow the below steps and you are all set.

How to make wallpaper change automatically on iPhone?

iPhone provides multiple options to customize your wallpaper, but it doesn’t have a direct feature to allow users to easily change wallpaper automatically. However, you can still do it through the shortcut section and adding personal automation. We will provide full detail on this on your future articles.

Can you change the wallpaper for each page on iPhone?

No, there is no way to change the wallpaper for each page on iPhone. The only possibility is to set a different wallpaper for lock screen and Home screen,

Now, let’s get into how to change iPhone wallpaper easily.

Before we dive in, you may also like, how to record screen on iPhone?

Steps on how to change iPhone wallpaper easily

Step 1

  • Open Settings
How to change iPhone wallpaper easily?

Step 2

  • Click on Wallpaper
How to change iPhone wallpaper easily

Step 3

  • Click on Choose a New Wallpaper
How to change iPhone wallpaper easily

Step 4

  • Tap on the type of wallpaper you want.
  • Dynamic: This is a picture from Apple’s stock photograph library with impacts that blur into view and respond to your gadget’s development.
  • Stills: This is a still picture from Apple’s stock photo library.
  • Live: These are live images from Apple’s stock gallery. They have a small animation once you press it with your finger.
  • Photo Library: These will give you the images from your photo library.
How to change iPhone wallpaper easily

Step 5

  • Select a picture to go into Preview mode.
  • When in Preview mode, you can choose to switch the perspective zoom on or off. With this option on, you’ll see your wallpaper move when you run the phone.
  • Tap Set.
  • Pick whether you want that background for your Lock Screen, Home Screen, or Both.


Great! now you know how to change iPhone wallpaper easily. You also learnt the different options iPhone provides to customize your wallpaper. Have fun with it !

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How to change iPhone wallpaper easily ? Well! you are in the right place. Wallpapers are one of the most interesting part of a mobile device. For me, whenever i get a new phone, the first thing i do is change the wallpaper and i know it’s not just me 🙂 On older device, you…