how to reduce iPhone alarm volume

How to reduce iPhone alarm volume?

How to reduce iPhone alarm volume? Well! Let’s describe alarms first.

Alarms! the one things that most of us know as the first thing you hear at the start of a day. It is an important part of our life and also the most hated one :-).

Majority of us set alarms to wake up in the morning but it is also used to remind us of some tasks that we need to perform during the day. However we use it, we prefer it to be soothing and in just the perfect volume so as not to wake us up as if the world was ending. You know what i mean?

Alarms need to be toned to a right volume i.e. something that breaks your sleep and helps you wake up and not so soothing that makes you want to sleep more. So, here you will learn how to reduce iPhone alarm volume.

What is snoozing an alarm?

Well! device manufactures know that people tend to quickly disable an alarm thinking they have waken up but once you disable it you tend to fall asleep again. So, to make it a slow process, there is a feature of snoozing an alarm. Once you snooze an alarm, it extend the time by 10 minutes. So, if you fall asleep again there will be another alarm after 10 minutes.

I have used this feature a lot but the problem is i tend to extend it multiple times which ultimately leds to me being late all the time. So, use it wisely 🙂

How to decrease alarm volume iPhone 13?

iPhone tries to keep things on the same place so as not to confuse the users. But, sometimes they do the changes and we have to google these things.

Visit Apple official site, if you are looking to buy an iPhone 13.

Follow the steps below to learn how to reduce iPhone alarm volume.

Steps on how to reduce iPhone alarm volume

Step 1

  • Go to your Settings.
How to reduce iPhone alarm volume?

Step 2

  • Click Sound
How to reduce iPhone alarm volume?

Step 3

  • See the “Ringer and Alerts” slider.
  • Drag the slider to the left to decrease and to the right to increase the alarm volume.
How to reduce iPhone alarm volume?


Now that you know how to reduce iPhone alarm volume, you can sleep in peace. Make sure to choose the right music and the right volume for a perfect match.

If you would like to learn more iPhone features visit our category, iPhone.

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How to reduce iPhone alarm volume? Well! Let’s describe alarms first. Alarms! the one things that most of us know as the first thing you hear at the start of a day. It is an important part of our life and also the most hated one :-). Majority of us set alarms to wake up…