How to backup iPhone ?

Scared of loosing all your precious pictures and data if your iPhone is lost? Well, this article will teach you how to backup iPhone. Phones these days have become an important part of our life. It stores our memories, payment and also our important documents. So, even the thought of losing it is a disaster.…

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How to easily delete apps from Android ?

Are you annoyed with all the useless apps in your phone? Well! this article will teach you how to easily delete apps from Android. There is a huge number of Apps on the Google play store. From fitness, finance to games and video editors, there are apps available for almost all your needs. Whenever we…

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How to delete a comment on Instagram ?

There are times when you feel some people didn’t comment on your Instagram posts or, hate to see those ridiculous comments. This article will teach you how to delete a comment on Instagram. All of us glad that we can moderate what other people see in our posts. Like deleting a comment or pinning a…

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How to change Android wallpaper easily ?

How to change Android wallpaper easily ? Well! you are in the right place. Wallpapers are one of the most interesting part of a mobile device. For me, whenever i get a new phone, the first thing i do is change the wallpaper and i know it’s not just me 🙂 On older device, you…

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How to clear safari history?

Clearing History means to remove your web records from you browser. Doing this will remove the search history based on the time frame you select. This article will teach you how to clear safari history? There are generally three types of browser record that people often clear i.e. Cookies, History and Cache. Well! you are…

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How to change iPhone wallpaper easily ?

How to change iPhone wallpaper easily ? Well! you are in the right place. Wallpapers are one of the most interesting part of a mobile device. For me, whenever i get a new phone, the first thing i do is change the wallpaper and i know it’s not just me 🙂 On older device, you…

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How to find my Facebook page QR code?

QR code has made certain tasks very easy for all of us these days. From providing contact information to payments, anything is possible via QR code. This article will focus on how to find my Facebook page QR code. Before QR codes, if we had to share our Facebook page, we had send people the…

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How to pin a comment on Instagram?

Pinning a comment means to place the comment on the first so that it is visible to everyone. This article will teach you how to pin a comment on Instagram. We normally pin a comment that makes sense to our post or something that we want all our followers to see. It is like highlighting…

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How to reduce iPhone alarm volume?

How to reduce iPhone alarm volume? Well! Let’s describe alarms first. Alarms! the one things that most of us know as the first thing you hear at the start of a day. It is an important part of our life and also the most hated one :-). Majority of us set alarms to wake up…

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How to make an admin in Facebook page?

Facebook is a leading social media platform. With number of active users in the Billions, it is a tough cookie in the tech space. With countless amount of features, it is leading the social media space. This article focuses on it’s Facebook page feature and will guide you on how to make an admin in…

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