How to screenshot on Mac?

I believe screenshot is the most used feature in any device. Be it mobile, tablet, laptop or a desktop, oh! screenshot, you are sweet. I can’t imagine how i would work if not for screenshots. Go through all my articles and you will know the importance of screenshot in my life 🙂 This article will…

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How to turn off active status in Facebook?

Are you annoyed when someone sends you a random message when you just plan to casually scroll through your Facebook feed? I do and i don’t reply and the next message i get is ” Why are you not replying as i can see you Active?”. This annoys me more. So, i always turn off…

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How to change Facebook password?

Changing password from time to time is a great habit and i do not possess this great habit and i am sure many of us don’t 🙂 Since, you are here i am sure you want to learn how to change Facebook password. Changing password specially on applications that we tend to login in different…

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How to unfollow users in TikTok?

TikTok had about 1.2 billion active users by the end of 2021 and is expected to cross 1.5 billion by 2022. That’s huge! With this many number of users i am sure you have followed a lot of users. We tend to follow a lot of users at the time we start using the app…

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How to create a Cryptocurrency wallet?

Cryptocurrencies can be simply understood as digital money and cryptocurrency wallet is a digital wallet to store the cryptocurrency. You will need these wallets to buy, trade and sell cryptocurrency.

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How to deactivate Facebook account using mobile App?

Facebook is one of the top leading social media companies with over 2.9 Billion monthly active users. It will remain so until this page in my site receives huge traffic and is listed as a top performing page in my Google Analytics 🙂 As, this article will teach you how to deactivate Facebook account using mobile app. 

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How to clear youtube search history?

Well, i don’t know what you searched that you want to get cleared, but this article will guide you on how to clear youtube search history.

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How to unfriend in Facebook?

Sorry folks, i can’t teach you how to unfriend people from your personal life but here are the steps to unfriend in Facebook.

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How to get dark mode on Snapchat?

These days almost all the applications we use come with light and dark mode. While first introduced i didn’t think this would be that much of a WOW factor to the users but, who am i to judge? People loved this and so we now see it almost everywhere. First it was introduced with mobile…

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How to use video filters in TikTok?

Have you ever wondered why every person you see on TikTok has great skin tone and the videos they upload are of such high quality?

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