how to add link to TikTok bio

How to add link to TikTok bio ?

Craze in social media has been increasing since the start and it doesn’t look like it is settling down anytime soon. With new platforms being introduced so frequently, it had been difficult for users to decide which one to prefer. This article will teach you how to add link to TikTok bio.

So, to make sure the users doesn’t loose it followers because of their choice of social media, you can now add links of your other social media in a specific platform. Here, we are taking TikTok as an example.

As of Mid 2022, TikTok is the most famous social media. However, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube are also not far behind. Each one have their own set of features that is unique to others. So, users tend to be active in all the platforms. Being able to add most of their social media link to a platform has made it lot easier to gain more followers.

Now, let’s get into how to add link to TikTok bio.

Where is the bio in TikTok?

Before we get into learning how to add link to TikTok bio, let’s me shortly explain what a bio is.

Bio is basically a short description you add in your profile page that helps your followers to know a bit more about you. Previously users were not allowed to add links to the bio but now TikTok allows users to add Instagram and Youtube links to their Bio.

While adding a bio make sure you keep it short and sweet. Let’s learn how to add link to TikTok bio.

How to put a link in your TikTok bio 2022 ?

As of 2022, you are allowed to add Instagram and Youtube links to your TikTok bio. Follow the below steps to and you will know how to add link to TikTok bio.

Steps on how to add link to TikTok bio

Here are some simple steps to add link to TikTok bio:

Step 1

  • Open TikTok app.
  • Tap on Profile and Tap the “Edit Profile” button.
Tiktok profile

Step 2

  • To add your Instagram link Tap ” Add Instagram to your profile”.
  • To add your Youtube link Tap ” Add Youtube to your profile”.
how to add link to TikTok bio

Step 3

  • Once you add your links, you will be asked to login to the specific platforms.
  • Login to the platforms with the specific login credentials.
how to add link to TikTok bio

Step 4

  • Once you login, TikTok will require permission to access your account.
  • Click “Allow”
how to add link to TikTok bio

Great! now you know how to add link to TikTok bio.

How to link Instagram to TikTok ?

It’s a great idea to link these platforms as it proves your originality and also allows your followers to enjoy your content on both the platforms.

To link Instagram to TikTok, follow the above steps and on Step 2, add your Instagram Link and follow Step 3 and Step 4.

How to link Youtube to TikTok ?

Youtube is a famous platform for video content, so is TikTok. Having it connected allows users to view your short video clips in TikTok and visit your Youtube channel for the full video.

To link Youtube to TikTok, follow the above steps and on Step 2, add your Youtube Link and follow Step 3 and Step 4.


These simple steps mentioned above will make sure you know how to add link to TikTok bio. At the moment it’s Instagram and Youtube, i hope TikTok will add other platforms as well in the future.

Since you are in TikTok, you may like how to upload long videos in TikTok and how to go live in TikTok.

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Craze in social media has been increasing since the start and it doesn’t look like it is settling down anytime soon. With new platforms being introduced so frequently, it had been difficult for users to decide which one to prefer. This article will teach you how to add link to TikTok bio. So, to make…