How to add music to Instagram story

How to add music to Instagram story ?

Are you tired of adding only images and videos on your Instagram stories? Well! spice it up by adding music to it. This article will guide you on how to add music to Instagram story.

Music has the potential to spice up anything that you add it on. A beautiful image of a child is itself a wonderful sight but adding a bit of soothing music behind it takes it to a whole new level.

Here we talk about Instagram stories. Posting pictures of your vacation fells great and while you add a good music behind it, it clearly speaks out. Also, allowing users to trim the music and play only the segments is amazing. This is one of the great features Instagram provides

Let’s get into how to add music to Instagram story.

Instagram music isn’t available in your region

There are certain regions where Instagram music isn’t available, the major reason i believe is due to piracy issues. It might not be the case but if it’s not available in your region you will not be able to add music to Instagram story following the below steps.

Really sorry that you will be missing out on this amazing feature 🙂

Add music to video on Instagram

Instagram allows users to upload videos to their stories as well. Adding a background music to your videos makes it so worthwhile. It’s not much of an effort too!

You can follow the steps below on how to add music to Instagram story to learn more.

Steps on how to add music to Instagram story

As stated above, these steps are only valid if Instagram music is available in you region. So, please don’t be disappointed if you do not see the options as mentioned below.

Let’s get into how to add music to Instagram story.

Step 1

  • Open the Instagram App.
How to add music to Instagram story

Step 2

  • Tap on ” Your story” at the top left corner of the screen.
Instagram story

Step 3

  • Click on the Sticker Icon at the Top left of your screen and as shown in the image below.
How to add music to Instagram story

Step 4

  • Search for ” Music” sticker icon and click on it.
How to add music to Instagram story

Step 5

  • Among a list of various songs. Choose a song you want to add.
  • You can also search for songs of your choice.
How to add music to Instagram story

Step 6

  • Choose the portion of the song you want to add.
  • Once you are done, Tap ” Done” at the Top Right corner.
How to add music to Instagram story

Great! you just spiced up your Instagram story.


These simple steps helped you on how to add music to Instagram story. I would recommend you try it out for some but don’t make it a usual habit for all you stories. Too much of it will make it loose the charm and believe me you might loose some followers too! 🙂

Talking about Instagram story, you may also like, how to add multiple pictures to Instagram story.

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Are you tired of adding only images and videos on your Instagram stories? Well! spice it up by adding music to it. This article will guide you on how to add music to Instagram story. Music has the potential to spice up anything that you add it on. A beautiful image of a child is…