How to create a Facebook group

How to create a Facebook group?

Facebook is a popular digital social media platform where users can share information, post comments, share photos, see news, and connect with friends, family, and relatives through calls or messages. A Facebook group is simply known as a number of people who share information and discussion in a group chat where people are connected to the same conversation. This article will guide you on how to create a Facebook group.
A Facebook group allows you to send messages to multiple friends at the same time. While Creating a Facebook group you have to invite your friends, and family relatives to discuss certain chat calls like sharing information, share ideas, and news views at the same time.

Steps on how to create a Facebook group

Facebook group chat helps to chat with multiple users at the same time. It is easy to chat with friends, family, and relatives by inviting them into the group. We have enlisted simple steps on how to create a Facebook group which are listed below.

Step 1

  • Open Facebook
  • Tap in the top right Facebook menu
How to create a Facebook group


  • Tap group icon

Step 3

  • Tap create group icon

Step 4

  • Enter the name of the group you want to create
  • Tap create group

Step 5

  • Invite your friends
  • Tap next bottom


  • After clicking the next bottom create a post that you want.
  • Tap the done icon and your group will be created.


This article helps you how to create a Facebook group. Follow these simple steps to create your Facebook group which will help to share your information and discussion with your group member to solve problems by sharing the post with the public. Facebook helps by hosting posts for the public which will make it easy to boost your post and get the target audience by inviting people to the group.

If you would like to learn more about Facebook features, we have enlisted other facebook articles. Check out the article and and

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Facebook is a popular digital social media platform where users can share information, post comments, share photos, see news, and connect with friends, family, and relatives through calls or messages. A Facebook group is simply known as a number of people who share information and discussion in a group chat where people are connected to…