How to find saved passwords on Mac

How to find saved passwords on Mac ?

Saved passwords can be viewed in System Preferences on macOS Monterey and later. Here you will learn steps on how to find saved passwords on Mac.

With huge number of applications in use everyday, it is almost impossible for us to remember passwords to all of them. So, the save password feature has made life a lot easier.

We are very much dependent on software for our every days tasks, either at work or just our social media profiles. So, it is important that we password protect all the applications. But, the problem to this is that, there is no chance we remember the passwords to all the applications.

Let’s get into the steps on how to find saved passwords on Mac.

How to save password in Mac ?

Well! Mac provides a default feature for storing your passwords. If you want to use any other third party application make sure it is a trusted application. Personally, i would recommend 1password. It is a great platform and is available for Mac, iPhone and also your browsers.

Let’s get in to how to find saved passwords on Mac.

You may also like, how to change Gmail password and How to change TikTok password.

Steps on how to find saved passwords on Mac

Step 1

  • On the top left corner of you Mac, click on the apple icon.
  • Go to System Preferences.
  • Click Password.
how to find saved passwords on mac

Step 2

  • Sign in with Touch ID, or enter your user account password.
  • Select a website, then click Edit and you will see your password.
How to find saved passwords on Mac

Step 3

  • To delete a password, click Delete Password. Change the password and then click Save to update.
how to find saved passwords on mac


Great! you now know How to find saved passwords on Mac. I hope this comes in handy. Make sure you keep this safe from unauthorized access. Whatever password you save will be stored here and if by any chance this is compromised, what can i say 🙂 It’s troubling news for you.

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Saved passwords can be viewed in System Preferences on macOS Monterey and later. Here you will learn steps on how to find saved passwords on Mac. With huge number of applications in use everyday, it is almost impossible for us to remember passwords to all of them. So, the save password feature has made life…