How to go live on TikTok

How to go live on TikTok ?

TikTok is leading the social media space at the moment. If you are a “TikToker” as they say, you need to know how to go live on TikTok. With more than 1 Billion monthly active users it is setting out to be a frontier in the social media space. It’s major focus is video content and real time interactions between content creators and their followers.

TikTok with it’s amazing features have allowed users to add high quality content to their platform. It allows users to add short and long length videos. It provides users with a wide range of audio selection to add to their video. It is this connection of Audio and Video that make TikTok fun for everyone.

TikTok now allows users to Go Live i.e. go online realtime to get in touch with the followers. It also comes with many features for the content creators to boost their content quality. Whereas, followers get to send gifts to the creator which can be later withdrawn as a monetary value and will also be able to chat for free . This is a great way for content creators to increase their followers. So, if you are into TikTok let’s learn how to go live on TikTok.

How many followers on TikTok to go live ?

Well! first of all you need to be 16+ to go live on TikTok. Your age will be calculated based on the date of birth you provide during registration. If you meet this criteria, you will need 1000 followers to activate the go live feature.

Things to consider before going live on TikTok

Going live means chatting real time with your followers. So, make sure you follow the below steps before you learn how to go live on TikTok :

  • Strictly follow TikTok community guidelines.
  • Present yourself as you do in your content.
  • Try to keep things simple and fun for everyone.
  • Don’t follow or focus on negative comments.
  • Have a moderator online so that they are able to filter the comments.

Steps on how to go live on TikTok

Step 1

  • On your TikTok App. Click on the + icon on the bottom of the screen.
how to go live on tiktok

Step 2

  • Click on the LIVE button at the bottom and add a Title for your session.
how to go live on tiktok

Step 3

  • Once you are ready. tap ” Go Live” to go live on TikTok.
how to go live on tiktok

Great! It’s that simple. Now you know how to go live on TikTok. Make sure you have 1000+ followers to have this feature available for you.

You may also like how to add link to TikTok bio.

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TikTok is leading the social media space at the moment. If you are a “TikToker” as they say, you need to know how to go live on TikTok. With more than 1 Billion monthly active users it is setting out to be a frontier in the social media space. It’s major focus is video content…