How to block certain words in Youtube comments

How to block certain words in Youtube comments?

With more than 2 Billion users in the platform it’s impossible for Youtube to verify all the content and the comments user post in the content. So, most of this have been automated. Youtube has it’s content filtering algorithms and for comments it allows the content creator to block certain words or remove the comment feature as a whole. I don’t prefer the second option as for me, sometimes the comments are more interesting than the content 🙂 If you are a content creator, this article will teach you how to block certain words in Youtube comments.

As a content creator, this feature is a great way to add automated moderation to the Youtube user toxicity that people show on the comments. There is no way you could manage to add all the words but at least you could add some common ones like F… ( You really thought i would write it down, there is no need, you get what i mean.)

So, let’s make Youtube fun and suitable for everyone by learning how to block certain words in Youtube comments.

Steps on how to block certain words in Youtube comments

  • Step 1
    – On your Youtube Home page, click on the profile icon.
    – In the displayed menu, navigate to YouTube studio.
Youtube studio
  • Step 2
    – Tap on Settings on the Bottom left side.
How to block certain words in Youtube comments
  • Step 3
    – Go to “Community”
How to block certain words in Youtube comments
  • Step 4
    – Click on ” Add blocked words”
    – Once you add all the words you hate to see.
    – Click “Save” at the bottom right corner. Hurray! you have successfully learnt how to block certain words in Youtube comments.
How to block certain words in Youtube comments


That’s a great start! By learning how to block certain words in Youtube you can now moderate your comments. If things are still out of control, you could add moderators and also block users from your channel. This way you start to be in control of your channel. I hope all turns out to be good for you.

Also, incase you need it, here are steps to clear your search history in Youtube.

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With more than 2 Billion users in the platform it’s impossible for Youtube to verify all the content and the comments user post in the content. So, most of this have been automated. Youtube has it’s content filtering algorithms and for comments it allows the content creator to block certain words or remove the comment…