how to clear youtube search

How to clear youtube search history?

There are times when many of us need this important feature in youtube. I personally do it for peace of mind. Since you are here i am sure you are looking to do the same. Well, i don’t know what you searched that you want to get cleared, but this article will guide you on how to clear youtube search history.

Clearing search history is a very satisfying feeling. It feels like you are starting everything again. It gives a very special sense of joy that i will not be able to explain here. Try it out and you will know. It only takes a minute.

Let’s add the minute of joy to your day by learning how to clear youtube search history.

Steps on how to clear youtube search history

  • Step 1
    – The usual, open YouTube mobile app or Web.
youtube app
  • Step 2
    – Click on your profile picture at the top right corner to access the main YouTube Menu.
youtube account
  • Step 3
    – Tap on settings and click on ” History and privacy”
how to clear youtube search history
  • Step 4
    – Click on “Clear search history”.
how to clear youtube search history
  • Step 5
    – You will receive a confirmation message to clear youtube search history.
    – Click on “CLEAR SEARCH HISTORY”.
how to clear youtube search history

Can people see your Youtube history ?

The answer is NO. Unless you share your youtube account with someone else, there is no way a random person could view your youtube search history. However, if you have playlists set as active it can be viewed by anyone random.


How did it feel? Felt good? So, now you know how to clear youtube search history and also know what to do when you search stuffs in Youtube that you do not want to display on your search history. Good luck! and make sure you clear it regularly 🙂

BTW, if you are content creator, make sure you check out, how to block certain words in Youtube comments.

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Well, i don’t know what you searched that you want to get cleared, but this article will guide you on how to clear youtube search history.


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