how to turn off active status in Facebook

How to turn off active status in Facebook?

Are you annoyed when someone sends you a random message when you just plan to casually scroll through your Facebook feed? I do and i don’t reply and the next message i get is ” Why are you not replying as i can see you Active?”. This annoys me more. So, i always turn off active status in Facebook. Oh! the peace of mind you get after this is something special. Try it and i am sure you will love it. This article will teach you how to turn off active status in Facebook.

Since you are here, i can feel the pain 🙂 There are no drawbacks in learning how to turn off active status in Facebook, as, you will still be able to chat with anyone you like. Remember, you will need to change this setting in all the devices that you use Facebook in.

So, let’s get some peace!

Steps on how to turn off active status in Facebook

  • Step 1
    – Open your Facebook app and tap Messenger. Or, just open the messenger App.
how to turn off active status in Facebook
  • Step 2
    – Click on your profile icon.
how to turn off active status in Facebook
  • Step 3
    – Tap “Active Status” to turn off. Make sure you do this on all the devices you use Facebook on.
how to turn off active status in Facebook


Well! that was easy. You have control now as you just learnt hot to turn off active status in Facebook and no one will message you just by seeing you active. Enjoy the power you just got 🙂 In case, you want to unfriend those disturbing idiots, check out the article unfriend friends in Facebook.

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Are you annoyed when someone sends you a random message when you just plan to casually scroll through your Facebook feed? I do and i don’t reply and the next message i get is ” Why are you not replying as i can see you Active?”. This annoys me more. So, i always turn off…


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