how to delete a page in word

How to delete a page in Word?

You are on a device searching for this so i don’t think i need to explain what a Word is 🙂 Word with it’s amazing features have helped us through school, college and even work. What would we do without word? Oh! i can’t imagine. I am currently using word to write this article so you can imagine. This article will teach you how to delete a page in word.

Word has a lot and i mean a lot of features and knowing all of it is not possible, at least for someone with an IQ level like mine i.e. medium i would say. So, for my super talented fellas, if you are a word expert and would like to share your skills write to me at and let’s collaborate. Focusing on the title of this article i don’t think i will find Word ninjas here 🙂

How to delete a page in word? Well! Let’s get started.

  • Steps
    – Click on the page you want to remove.
    – For Windows press Ctrl + G to open the ” Find and Replace” pop – up window. For Mac press Option + command(⌘) + G
    – Type “\page” in the ” Enter page number” box and click on “Go to” followed by the “Close” button. This will select all the content of the page.
    – Press the backspace key on windows and delete key for Mac to erase everything of the selected page.
    – This will remove the page from your file.
how to delete a page in word


This was easy learning how to delete a page in word. Like i said there are thousands of features in Word and covering all is not possible. I will make sure i add all the most used features soon.

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You are on a device searching for this so i don’t think i need to explain what a Word is 🙂 Word with it’s amazing features have helped us through school, college and even work. What would we do without word? Oh! i can’t imagine. I am currently using word to write this article so…