Top 5 youtube to MP3 converter for Android and iOS

Top 5 youtube to MP3 converter for Android and iOS

Youtube is an online platform so requires wifi or cellular data to function. Due to which people tend to download the music and videos to their device for future use. This article mentions the Top 5 youtube to MP3 converter for Android and iOS.

Before we start this topic, let’s make it clear that downloading music and videos is cool but we at”Howthisthat” always respect creators copyright and do not encourage people to violate their copyright content.

How download youtube mp3?

Youtube doesn’t allow users to download content from other users. But, there are third party apps that provide this feature. They are easy to use. In this article you will learn step by step guide for one and can follow the process for the rest. Below is a list of top 5 youtube to MP3 converter for Android and iOS.

Top 5 youtube to MP3 converter for Android and iOS

Number 1

Step 1

Step 2

  • Open YMusic app
  • Tap search icon

Step 3

  • Search the song You want to download
  • Click search online.

Step 4

  • Play music
  • Click the download icon.

Step 5

  • Select the Mp3 or mp4 quality you want to download.
Top 5 youtube to MP3 converter for Android and iOS

Step 6

  • Click Star download to download music.
Top 5 youtube to MP3 converter for Android and iOS

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

Number 5


The steps to download is almost similar in all the above apps. Once you understand the one shown above the rest are easy. Hope you liked the Top 5 youtube to MP3 converter for Android and iOS.

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Youtube is an online platform so requires wifi or cellular data to function. Due to which people tend to download the music and videos to their device for future use. This article mentions the Top 5 youtube to MP3 converter for Android and iOS. Before we start this topic, let’s make it clear that downloading…